Elders Needs Their Feathers//Jayfeather X Elder!Male!Reader

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Requested by MetaKnightFan113
Thanks for requesting! ^^
Also, I'm only on the fourth arc so I'm using Jayfeather instead. MetaKnightFan113 said I could. Also, I want the elder to be like Longtail and ye. Don't judge me.

"Hey Y/N. Do you need anything?" Y/N lifted his head at the sound of Jayfeather's voice. The medicine cat had always been asking him this and his answer would normally be the same, "Just lay here." Jayfeather did what Y/N asked and he was happy about that. Just sometimes the gray cat wouldn't lay down with him or talk to him for a little because he was so busy. Y/N understood that but you would always wonder about the gray tom. Before he lost his vision, Y/N did find him a bit attractive. Of course, he didn't say anything to him about how he felt. The F/C tom would just blush and laugh nervously with him.

Jayfeather found it a little cute but said nothing. "So what do you want to talk about today?" Y/N had no idea on what to say this time. Today felt different, it had to be different. "Feelings." He answered. Jayfeather didn't complain or anything, even if this was a topic that Y/N didn't normally choose. The two toms started to talk about feelings and whatnot until Y/N brought up love. He knew that the medicine cat was confused by all of this but he didn't care. He had to tell him today! He just had to! Sure he was an elder now but that didn't stop him!

"Jayfeather?" The medicine turned so his blind eyes were on him. "Yes?" The elder felt his fur heat up with embarrassment. Nobody else was here now...nobody could hear them... He sighed and took a deep breath. "I like you..." he said, starting to blush a little. The gray tom blinked. "Oh. That's all?" The F/C tom sighed softly, knowing that he didn't get the hint. "No...not as a friend...as...a..." he stopped himself but he could tell that the medicine cat was a little surprised by what he had said. Jayfeather sighed. "Y/N...you can't...I do too but...we can't..."

Y/N said nothing. His ears went down. "I know but..." he sighed then turned away from him. Jayfeather sniffed around before nuzzling his shoulder. Y/N felt surprise and happy at the same time. The F/C tom nuzzled the gray tom back, sighing softly. Nothing was said between the two as they nuzzled. Only silence was between them. He felt happy but at the same time he felt upset. He knew that this was wrong for the both of them. He was an elder and Jayfeather was a medicine cat. It wouldn't work out but he wanted to try.

"We could try..." Jayfeather mumbled, almost to quiet for him to hear. Y/N nodded then smiled. "Yeah. That would be nice." He said. Jayfeather purred softly then got up. "I have to go. I'll see you later." He said. He licked Y/N's cheek then left the elders' den. Y/N purred then curled up in his nest. He sighed, feeling the happiest he's ever been.

(Time Skip)

Y/N woke up one morning and stretched. Jayfeather and him had been in their secret romance for about six moons. He was surprised but happy nobody had found out. He was going to visit Jayfeather but was asked to see Firestar in his den. He felt nervous. What if the ThunderClan leader knew about him and Jayfeather? What would happen to him? More importantly Jayfeather?

The tom made his way to Firestar's den, preparing himself to be yelled at or get his punishment. Firestar or another cat must have noticed how "friendly" Jayfeather was being with him. Oh why did this happen to him today? Things were going fine! If he was leaving and Jayfeather was staying...he'd risk his life to be with him.

He didn't want to have anyone else. He loved Jayfeather! He just wanted to be happy. "Y/N. I've been expecting you." Firestar said. The blind tom sat down, keeping his head up. He just wanted to hide or run away with Jayfeather if that's what this meeting was about.

"I've noticed you and Jayfeather are being very friendly and whatnot." He said. Just what he thought. It was about him and Jayfeather. He was ready. "Is anything going on between you two? Don't lie to me." The elder sighed softly. He slowly nodded.

Firestar frowned the sighed. Y/M was ready a lecture from the leader. He deserved it. "Y/N...you and I both know how wrong this is." He nodded slowly, his head low. He didn't have to be told by anyone.

He knew in his heart what he was risking by having this relationship with the gray medicine cat. Firestar placed his paw underneath his chin. "I know that you want to but you can't."

The tom pulled away from Firestar. "Punish me! Go on." He snarled. He just wanted this whole thing to be overwith.

He could smell Jayfeather coming from behind him. "Jayfeather..." Firestar looked at him.

Jayfeather sighed softly, closing his eyes.

"I told him..." he said, ears down. Y/N looked at him, his fur bristling. "You what!" The F/C colored tom felt a little hurt. Before he could say anything, Jayfeather spoke. "I had to. I just hurt to focus on my duties and you. I do love you Y/N but this is what's best for both of us." Y/N couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had told the leader without him knowing! He felt betrayed and upset. He felt so bad for nothing! How long had he known? Y/N lashed his tail then left the den before anyone could say anything else. He felt so upset with Jayfeather. How could he just throw it all away! He sighed. But he was right.

It was better for the both of them...

I'M ALIVE. BUT IM STILL SAD. HAHA. HELP ME ;-; Yeah I've been updating most books and forgot that I had requests on here so...yeah...sorry...

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