I Won't Forget//Hopekit (OC) X Kit! Reader

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H/K/M = Hopekit's mother
You can make up names idrc. I never really came up with parents for him so I just made random designs.

You were playing with Hopekit, a good friend of yours ever since you opened your eyes. He was kind, caring, generous...he was perfect. But of course, the two of you were friends so there was no way the two of you could ever be together! The two of you had no siblings. Hopekit's littermates were hopeless and you were just a single kit. The other kits were fine with you but not with Hopekit. Just because of his real father. But you didn't care, unlike the others, you were nice to him. "Hey, Y/N! Wanna play with us?" You looked over at the other kits. You didn't want to be rude but you also didn't want to leave Hopekit.

"Uh-" Hopekit nudged you. "It's alright...I can stay here." You blinked. "But I don't want to leave you alone!" You told him. He sighed, flicking his tail. "Y/N...its fine...I don't care...you go and have fun." He mewed sadly. You stared at him, ears down. "Oh...okay...cya..." He waved his tail sadly before you left. You felt so bad for him. "Don't feel bad for that mistake! He's as bad as his father!" You rolled your eyes. "I came here to play! Not so that you can badmouth Hopekit!" You told them, eyes narrowed. They sighed. "Fine fine." You nodded, ears flattened.

You didn't even play. All they did was talk about Hopekit badly. So you just walked away, upset. You saw Hopekit playing around with a moss-ball by himself. "Hopekit!" You ran over to him and smiled. He smiled back. "I thought you went to go play with the others?" You shook your head. "We didn't even play!" Hopekit shuffled his paws. "Well...uh...then why don't we play instead?" He asked, smiling. You happily accepted his offer and kept tossing the moss-ball around.

Eventually, you were tired out and so was he. He smiled. The two of you curled up beside each other. Hopekit started licking your fur, purring. You felt surprised but didn't mind it. "You hungry? We could eat something?" You shook your head. "No...I'm fine." He nodded and continued. You purred loudly.

(Time Skip)

You woke up and yawned loudly. A loud cry came from outside of the nursery. You got startled and ran out quickly. "Hopekit!" You stood frozen in place. Hopekit was just there...lying on the ground with blood coming from his head. His mother, H/K/M, curled beside him, licking him as an attempt to wake him. The other kits just stared blankly. But you didn't care right now.

You winced and slowly walked over. You brought the moss-ball with you. "Wanna play?" You asked, wincing. You tried everything you could. Tossing. Pulling his tail. Even muzzling him. You ignored it and nudged the moss-ball towards him. "Hopekit? Answer me!" You pulled at his tail gently. No response.

"Come on! You can't leave me yet!" You licked his ear, like his mother, wincing. You felt your mother pull you back. "No!" You looked over at Hopekit's parents. You didn't want to let him go. "Y/N...come on..." You shook your head. "But he'll wake! You'll see!" You looked up at your mother.

She sighed. "He's with StarClan now..." You didn't want to believe it but...you had to. You sat down with your shoulder slumped down. "Oh Hopekit...I won't forget you...I promise..." You muttered under your breath.

That night, you couldn't sleep without crying yourself to it. He's gone...my best friend is gone! You thought, getting closer to your mother. You winced.

He never got the chance to prove himself to the other kits... You finally fell asleep. Whoever killed him will pay...

You opened your eyes to see a beautiful landscape. You looked around in amazement.

"StarClan..." You whispered.

"Am I dead?" You winced. "Nope! Just dreaming!" You pricked your ears. "Hopekit! You made it safely!" He nodded, purring. "Course I did, Y/N!" You flattened your ears. He sighed. "Ah, Y/N...I know what you're thinking...but no...it wasn't father." He mewed. You looked at him. "I really wished that didn't happen..." He nodded. "Me too..." You smiled a little, looking into his amber eyes. "I love you...Y/N..." You smiled, touching his nose. "I love you too, Hopekit..." He purred softly. If only this moment could last forever...

Up next: I'll Be With You//Wildpaw(OC) X Reader
A/N: yeah...this one is pretty dumb. But I've been tired and upset for a while now (look on my convos) so I wasn't as creative with this one.

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