Meeting Jasper

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Dad was so pissed when he found out about the Siren hunter in his territory. Aunt Beth and him came home hours after Uncle Seb informed them about what happened. After me explaining what happened to them, dad nearly burst out into his dragon scales and hunt down the mermaid. 

I refuse to let him go and tug him to my side for comfort. After the near death encounter, being around dad makes me feel so safe and I'm not willing to let him go just yet. Dad calms down and immediately apologises to me for not being around often. 

The four of us sit in the kitchen, contemplating on what to do. The option of leaving Newborough is on everyone's mind, but there's no place that's equally as safe. I cannot avoid the sea for long since I have to let out my Siren self once in a while. 

"There's also the Identification Test matter," Aunt Beth pipes in when I zone out. "They usually conduct the tests in public places like schools or workplaces. If they miss anyone out, they'll go over to the homes. There's no escape."

"Unless we bribe one of them," Uncle Seb suggests. 

"That'll be almost impossible," dad speaks with deep thoughts. "Usually Hunter Headquarters will be their security guards and keep an eye on everything."

"Bloody hell!" Aunt Beth and Uncle Seb both curse.

"Just leave the Identification Test up to me," dad says, looking down at me. "Do whatever they tell you to do in school. Don't worry about anything."

"What?" Uncle Seb asks in confusion.

"Won't they be able to tell I'm not human?" I question.

Dad shakes his head. "The samples they collect won't be processed until they reach the lab. In this case, they're going to have thousands of them and it's going to take time. Besides, I have my ways of making sure you're off the books. How do you think I've been able to enroll you to school?"

"Then what about this mermaid dude?" Uncle Seb says.

Dad has a sullen look on his face. "I'm going to have to pull some strings. Go to sleep, Bubbles. You've had a long day today."

I look up to him, suddenly feeling like a child again. "Tuck me in bed please?"

He casts a soft smile. "Anything for my Bubbles."

On the next day, Polly texted me as she wanted to have more tutoring over the weekend. Since I have nothing else to do and basically not allowed to go swimming on my own, I agree to her request. We meet up at a cafe in town and spend two hours. I can't help but enjoy Polly's presence. She babbles a lot about her bubble tea obsession and a TV show called Riverdale. Hence, I have a lot of unnecessary information about Archie and gang. 

My day got more interesting when Polly left and the new guy spot me sitting in the booth alone. 

"Pleasant surprise," I say before sipping on my milkshake. 

"Likewise. Mind if I join you?" he asks, nodding towards the empty spot Polly was at.

I shake no and he ordered a milkshake for himself.

"I don't believe we have introduced yet," he says in amusement. "Jasper Reddington."

"Melinda Caesar. What brought you to Newborough?"

His milkshake arrive. He takes a sip. I do the same. 

"Not my choice. Newborough apparently has the best swim team and parents got a better job here," he replies boredly, as if he's told this countless times before. "I've been the new kid a few times already, so I kinda know the drill."

"You're a swimmer?" I ask in surprise, finally noticing his built physique. 

"Yep," he responds with a grin. "Don't you go to any of our games? Semi finals was yesterday."

I wince in guilt. "I'm not much of a sports fan. And no reason to watch."

"Be sure to come and support next time," he cheekily suggest. "I'm qualified for finals in two weeks' time."

"What made you go into swimming?" I ask in curiosity. 

Jasper shrugs and thinks. "Once I'm in the water, there's something calm about it. Like no matter how angry or sad I feel, once I'm in, any negativity I feel disappear. I don't know how to say this in words..."

"More of an outlet?" I offer.

He nods. "Yeah... it's a good way to release my anger harmlessly. Especially when I was in my early teens; I was such an angry kid. Also, it does provide me a scholarship. Bonus for me. Enough about me, who is Melinda Caesar?"

I blush and look at my milkshake. "Just an ordinary girl in school."

"Ordinary? Please. There's must be something extraordinary about you."

I shrug. "I like being normal. It's not complicated and less stressful."

"That is kinda true," he admits. "Funny how normal these days means you're either werewolf, vampire or human. Or you have a balance in life, whether it is school or work or social."

"I guess it depends on perception," I chip in. "The general population's perception, I mean. After all, the general population is made up of the three big races, so it is no brainer that that's considered normal."

Jasper looks at me in surprise. "I guess I didn't see it that way, but it makes sense. What are your thoughts on the Identification Test?"

I squirm a little uncomfortably. It is a topic everyone is talking about, so I shouldn't be surprised that he brought it up. 

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he apologises when he notice my behaviour.

"No, no. It's fine. I'm just thinking about the impacts it could have upon other minor beings. Like selkies."

"Well, the best the government can do is finding a way to tag people based on what they are," Jasper says thoughtfully. "After the Florence Fire, no doubt all humans are on the edge and are scared for their safety. They are at the bottom of the food chain, after all."

"Humans are always scared of what they don't understand no matter what. We always make the same mistakes as the past, even if the victims are different."

Jasper smiles at my comment. He then looks at my almost empty milkshake. "If you don't mind or have places to be, let me buy you another milkshake."

I smile as he orders me another milkshake. I spend the rest of my Saturday with a new friend who enjoys deep conversations.

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