First Friend

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Daddy has rarely show anger, and if he did, it is mostly towards what I did wrong. Even then, Daddy forgave me easily with a promise that I won't do it again. Today is the first time I see Daddy's face turning as red as blood when his eyes stuck on Aunt Beth and Uncle Seb.

"Of all the places to bring Linda to, Minatours?!" he shouts at them, stomping towards where I sit. One of his shaky hands land on my shoulder and the other hand is on my forehead as if checking whether I have a fever.

Lisbeth is too stunned to say anything. Uncle Seb's mouth opens before Aunt Beth beats him to it.

"You don't understand, Augustus. We had no choice; Linda could have died," Aunt Beth says softly, leaning towards me and Daddy.

"Why didn't you bring her to a human hospital?" Daddy yells back. "They will not be suspicious because she has human anatomy when she's in human form. We talked about this, Beth!"

"She's not human, Augustus!" Aunt Beth yells back. "The stupid sea creature nearly munched her tail off and we couldn't risk her transforming back in case she loses even more blood. Lisbeth is the only one who I know is nearby and can help her."

I cringe when memories of blood and pain hit me. I am never going to the beach ever again.

Daddy sighs out loud, clearly defeated. "What exactly happened?"

Aunt Beth and Uncle Seb explained what happened as I play with Daddy's fingers. There are a few times Daddy would glance down at me with a concerned look and I would snuggle into his warm chest for comfort.

All this while, Lisbeth listens to their conversation quietly.

"Now the Minatours know," Daddy says with fear in his voice.

Lisbeth shakes her head at him. "We don't know, actually," she clarifies, staring at me. "Beth won't say anything until you're here. All I know is that she looks like a Siren."

The way she says Siren has a little hostility in her tone. She still doesn't like the fact of what I am.

"We can't afford to move again, Augustus," Aunt Beth says seriously.

"We have to trust the Minatours to keep Linda's identity a secret," Uncle Seb continues for Aunt Beth.

Daddy looks conflicted, unsure what to do.

Lisbeth gives a tiny nod. "I trust all of you when you say she is no danger to anyone in Newborough. I can also assure you that none of the Minatours will also say a word about her identity if you want to make sure your daughter remains a secret. They won't disobey me."

"How are you going to make sure that no Minatour will blurt out?" Daddy challenges, eyes darken.

"One, you forgot I'm the daughter of the goddess they worship. Two, they trust me and I am part of their family," Lisbeth replies confidently, looking outside where Caleb and their daughter are.

Daddy's tense stance relaxes a little at her words.

"Okay," Daddy tells Lisbeth. "Thank you."

"I still want answers though."

"Ask away," Daddy approves with a nod.

"Her name is Melinda, right?" Lisbeth questions knowingly.

Augustus nods with a small smile. It's a sad small smile. "We – we talked about names before she... "

Lisbeth smiles back as grief silence suffocates the kitchen. I look around in confusion. I wanted to ask Daddy what is he talking about, but I'm still uncomfortable around this Lisbeth person.

Newborough - Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now