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A few days have passed since I break the two Nomad Elves out of the Minotaurs' prison block. Needless to say, Alpha Eleanor is pretty pissed about it. Dad has told me to come home straight after school because the one Hunter is on the Minotaur's land to track the Elves down. 

Right now, I am in the school library while waiting for Aunt Beth to pick me up. I use my free time to observe the students who are also in the library. I spot Valerie and Elise sitting alone at one table, looking as if they're doing homework. 

I've said hi to them a few times, but never actually talked to them. Ever since they got together, Valerie is more of an acquaintance than a best friend to me. This made their other friends to gravitate away from me as well. 

Without Denise's companionship, I've felt really lonely in this huge school. Everyone has their own gangs and drama, while I stay as a constant loner, watching people from a distance as well as never making the initiative to start a conversation. 

"Are you Melinda?" a girl approaches me with a timid aura surrounding her. Her orange straight hair is the first thing I notice, since she's probably the one redhead in this school. And she's so gorgeous.

I stare at her, dumbfounded at the fact that someone just approached me

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I stare at her, dumbfounded at the fact that someone just approached me. I catch myself staring at her for a second and quickly reply, "Yeah... yes, I'm Melinda. Who are you?"

She blushes hard and her eyes keep wandering around, not wanting to make eye contact with me. Her head drops to let her long hair conceal her face. 

"My name's Polly, and uh, I heard you're good with Algebra," she says awkwardly. 

I close my book in front of me and stuff it into my bag, since Aunt Beth is bound to arrive soon. "Okay?" I say in confusion, trying to figure out what she wants.

"I failed my Algebra tests a few times and the teacher recommended a tutor - you. Can you please tutor me for the final exams? If I fail again, I'll have to retake my exam," she mumbles hurriedly, shifting her weight from one leg to another. 

I am taken aback by the request. "Uh..."

"It's okay if you can't. I understand that you're busy and probably wouldn't wanna waste time tutoring someone since you will also be busy with finals and..." she rambles until I interject.

"Alright, I can, Polly. But not today... I have to go home soon..." 

Polly brights up, no longer cowering from me. She pastes a big smile on her face. "It's okay! I'll talk to you again tomorrow."

With that, she briskly walks away as if she's going to catch a train. I shrug off the oddness and mind my own business.

Instead of Aunt Beth, dad is the person to show up to pick me up from school. I am surprise to find him in the truck. 

"Dad? Aren't you supposed to be working for the next few days?" I ask, hopping onto the truck. 

He shrugs, driving toward home. "I finished the job early and was thinking of doing something fun. What do you say? Some father-daughter time?"

I look at him suspiciously. "Since when you have fun?" I ask jokingly. 

He gives me an exaggerated sad face. "You wound me, Bubbles. Can't I not spend time with my favourite girl in the world?"

"Of course you can," I reply with a laugh. "Where are we going?"

"Since you're going to be 15 soon, I am thinking we learn to ride a motorbike."

I stare at him, waiting for him to say that he's joking and maybe take us to a cafe or something. 

"What?" he asks defensively when he notice my stare. 

"You're joking."


"Then why are we going home?" 

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Have you ever entered our garage before?" 

I am surprise at the totally random question. "Well no... you told me it's off-limits."

Dad smirks as if he has a secret. 

"No way, why do you even have a motorbike in the garage?" I ask shockingly. I've never seen dad drive anything else besides the truck. He claims that the truck is his baby and nothing else could ever replace his metallic moving love. 

If I wasn't paying attention, I could see the pain shown through his face briefly. It makes me wonder about dad's feelings when he acts indifferently like the question didn't bother him. 

"No way! You kept a Harley-Davidson in this old shed for so long?" I exclaim excitedly, hovering around the old beauty of transportation. 

Dad smiles in pride. "I even took it to the mechanic to check how she's running. Come on, help me get this bike in the boot. I know a spot to practice."

Dad spend the whole day with me, which is once in a blue moon event. I find myself enjoying the motorbike lessons, even if it is difficult because of my small and short frame. Dad assures me that I'm doing fine as long as I practise. Dad promises that he'll continue to take me riding whenever he's free. 

In the evening, dad accompanies me on my daily swim. Isaac loves to explore the coral reef area and show me whatever he finds interesting. The water dragon sometimes reminds me of a dog I've never had. I know that Isaac and dad would only show me this friendly side of the dragon, and no one else would see it. To anyone else, he is a fierce protective dragon.

"Hey, Aunt Beth," I greet her once dad and I are home by 7. She's lounging on the sofa in the living room, watching something on her phone. "Dad taught me to ride a motorbike today! Did you know that he's been keeping the Harley-Davidson in our garage?"

"Beth, are you okay?" dad asks in concern, noticing her worried look. 

Aunt Beth shakes her head and tells us to take a seat. 

"Sebastian called me earlier. Piper needs to tell us something," Aunt Beth informs, shaking in her seat. "They're in the plane now... the three of them..."

"Three?" dad asks for clarification.

Aunt Beth nods with a grave look. "Yes, Carlisle has returned."

For the first time in 15 years, the four Elementals are being reunited. This means that something huge is going to happen.

Author's Note

RIP Polly the kitten. I'll miss you.

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