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The Minatours' meeting with the werewolves took hours before they settle on an agreement. By the time they were done, Val got home from who-knows-where. 

It is safe to say that things got awkward when her mother and Aunt Beth asked both of us about our declining friendship. Apparently Val's father does not like the fact that she's dating a vampire and Val still hasn't told Elise about her Minatour heritage.

So much of drama, I tell you. 

Right now, Val is in her room and the rest of us stay up in the living room waiting for news about the agreement with werewolves. Aunt Beth and Miss Lisbeth are talking while I worry myself sick about the two captured Nomad Elves. I tried to get Vaughn to take me to see them, but Aunt Beth is terrified how dad would take it if he knows.

"Piper?" Miss Lisbeth asks in shock. The name of the third Elemental brings me back to reality. I frown in confusion.

Aunt Beth nods. "She sent us three an SOS text, and only Sebastian and I received it since Carlisle is not on this planet. Sebastian took the plane early that morning to Singapore, where Piper is currently at."

Miss Lisbeth shakes her head. "It must be serious if she sent you guys a text after almost 14 years..."

"It's been that long?" Aunt Beth sighs. "Augustus has never moved on after her death."

I perk up to find out what they mean, but they continue to talk about Uncle Seb. 

"He hasn't called me back yet, so I don't think he met Piper," Aunt Beth tells Miss Lisbeth.

It's almost 8 p.m. and the meeting is over. Alpha Eleanor, Mr. Caleb (Val's father) and dad got into the house, looking exhausted. Alpha Eleanor asked for our small family to sit together at the dining room. 

"What's going on, Aunty?" Valerie asks, seated between her mum and brother. 

Alpha Eleanor takes a sip of water before talking. "The werewolves want us to declare our land to the Supernatural Council. They claim that it's the only legal way to make sure no other supernatural trespass into our territory."

Vaughn lets out a growl. "Then the Council is gonna study is like guinea pigs. Remember what happened to the selkies?"

"We have more numbers than the selkies, Vaughn," Mr. Caleb says. "My son is right though, Eleanor. We are a minority who have kept out of the light for so long, they're bound to be curious of our genetics, especially since we are the last known Greek mythology creature that still exists. The Gorgon line disappeared with Cassandra Meridian in hiding. The Gods and Goddesses have not send us any messages..."

Everyone looks at Miss Lisbeth expectantly. 

Miss Lisbeth gives her Minatour husband a look. "You know as much as I do that my mother made no communication with me after the Great War. The last thing she told me to do was to be happy and keep myself safe. Nothing secretive about it."

Alpha Eleanor looks up at the ceiling. "We can't just wait around for a sign from Olympus and if we refuse, the werewolves themselves are going to report us to the Council. It's either we voluntarily approach the authorities or we are on their hit list."

"It didn't help that there are Minatours spot reports around Newborough town," dad pipes in. "It's not your people's fault that they were caught in the past. The Council knows about Minatours, just not their whereabouts."

Alpha Eleanor turns to dad. "You've done a few missions with the Council before. Do you have any idea if the Council is going to be hostile towards us or would we be treated like any other protected community?"

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