So Much for Mi Casa Es Tu Casa

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Five Years Later...

"Mel!" a familiar voice screams, stomping her way into the house without knocking the door. She definitely made herself at home.

I roll my eyes at my old friend as I descend from my room. I put on my cardigan and roll up the sleeves. It's getting chillier these days.

"Hello to you too, Val. Would you like something to drink?" I ask her sarcastically. Aunt Beth would scold me if I forgot to greet guests properly, even if it's Valerie. Valerie loves to come over to my place once she's out of school and she always says she prefers to spend time with me rather than anyone else from her school.

"Water please," Val requests, plopping herself on the couch. I grab some water for the both of us and join her in the living room.

"I hate my school," Val complains as she starts doing her homework. Her mother knows how often she comes over to my place so she made Valerie a deal that she has to do her homework in order to continue coming over. "Now that there are more girls gaining the power to shift into a Minotaur, there's a separate subject just to tire out that excessive energy. Imagine Minotaur-style dodgeball."

She shudders at the pain of the thought.

"More girls?" I question curiously. "What does that mean?"

Val takes a sip of water before answering, "Before the Great Battle, only men can change into a Minotaur except for Alpha Eleanor. Yes, Aunt Eleanor since she and my dad are cousins. Later on, Goddess Athena and other Greek gods give girls who are born after the Great Battle the gift to shift into their rightful Minotaur selves since many Minotaurs sacrificed themselves in that battle."

I blink at the connection Valerie has with the story. Her grandmother is a goddess. Her aunt is an Alpha of the Minotaurs. Her mum is a demi-god. Yet, Valerie did not inherit the Minotaur nor demi-god genes.

That's why Val felt left out in her Minotaur-filled school and hate it there.

"I wish you can come to my school... It'll make the loneliness less bearable," Valerie mumbles, thinking of the question she's stuck at.

I smile and take another pencil, circling a key word. "You missed the decimal point here. That's why you can't get the answer."


I shake my head and lean back against the couch. "Well, I'm not a Minotaur either, so there's no reason for me to go to a school specially designed just for Minotaurs. Second, my dad won't allow it. He says it's too dangerous."

"I've been thinking of transferring to another school. This school is a little further from home, but it has humans and common supernatural beings. At least I can blend in as a human there," Val confides in me. "But my dad and Vaughn are against it. They say I don't need to go to another school since the Minotaur school is enough for me."

"What does your mum say?"

Val hunches in disappointment. "She doesn't like the idea. She doesn't understand how I feel like in the Minotaur school. The girls there have great strength and they like to show-off. I am the weakest person there and everyone knows it. Vaughn doesn't know because he's always busy with his friends."

I squeeze her shoulder. "If you want, I can get my dad and Aunt Beth to talk to your parents. My dad would understand."

She casts me a grateful smile. "Thanks, Mel."

"Now get back to your homework. Your good grades would convince your mum that you are capable of going to another school without affecting your grades," I persuade.

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