Nomad Elves

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All the while, I ignored the talkative pegasus as she tries to get me to talk. I'm still angry that she kidnapped me. I can already imagine dad being so angry at the thought. He would also be mad at Valerie since she's the one who convinced me to go to this party.

Everyone's gonna be angry.

"Do you even know where you're going?" I ask. Irritation seeps into my tone. 

"I think so; I can smell a nearby human settlement," the pegasus responses smoothly, ignoring my sharp voice. "By the way, I didn't catch your name."

"Are you even safe enough to go to a human town? What if they kill you?"

The pegasus looks at me for a few moments before lowering her head to sniff the forest floor. "There are not many supernatural beings around, especially since we are no longer in werewolf territory. You still haven't tell me your name, youngling."

"It's Melinda," I say warily, not wanting to give my last name to a complete stranger. Although she may be the only one besides my family to somewhat know what I am. 

The pegasus has amusement in her eyes. "Nice to meet you, Melinda. I'm Denise."


"You've just reached an understanding age, so you must be aware of your true heritage," Denise the Dark pegasus tells me. "Pray tell, why were you comfortable in a dangerous territory knowing that they would kill you if they know about you? Also, how do you communicate with the rest?"

I give her a strange look at her last question. Because of my distraction, I nearly trip over a root. Denise was quick on her strong wing to catch me before I can land face first. 

"I'm human enough to disguise as one," I reply somewhat truthfully. "And what do you mean by 'communicating with the rest'?"

I have been so into the conversation until I haven't realised that we have reached a camp. Thanks to my lack of senses, I am betrayed to find that it isn't humans who live in the camp. A handful of short green-skinned human-like figures come out of greet us. 

I shoot traitor looks to Denise who easily ignores me. 

"I'm sorry, youngling. It's the only way," she merely tells me.

"Why would ye bring a human to our sanctuary, Last One? Is she yer rider?" An elderly short man approaches us with his stick. He does not look happy at my presence. He lets out a grumble when Denise pants heavily and lets out gasps of pain.

I'm not happy either, old man.

"She's not ... " Denise breathes out between her heavy pants. 

"What are yer elves looking at? Can't you see she's in pain? Bring her to Doc and keep the children away from here," the old man barks to the two young short men who are still eyeing me suspiciously.

"Don't hurt her," the pegasus mumbles sleepily and then drop on the forest floor with a loud thud. The young men a few more short people work together to lift the pegasus towards a small tent that smells like distinct herbs.

The old man glares at me with suspicion. He takes out a weapon-like thing and aim it at my chest. "What did ye do to her?"

"I didn't do anything!" I deny, holding up both of my hands. Great, I'm gonna be killed by short green people.

"Don't lie to me, human!" 

And then, the old man's face pales. His weapon lowers.

"She kidnapped me and brought me to godknowswhere. Her wing was injured before she even ran into me. One of the wolves was chasing her!"

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