chapter four

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r e c o r d  s h o p


The next day, for some reason, the shop didn't need to be opened until noon. So, Luke slept in until ten. Waking up on his own time was so, so nice.

He loved working at the record shop, really, but he hated waking up so early to open it at seven o'clock in the morning. He'd much rather open it at noon and close it later that night. Just like what he was doing today; noon until ten, and he liked it like that.

Of course, it was rare that these days would come. Nevertheless, he enjoyed these days very much.

Plus, he was excited to see Hummingbird today. He wouldn't ever admit it out loud, but he thought she was absolutely gorgeous. Maybe the prettiest girl on the whole planet.

She's way out of his league, though. How old even was she? He realized he didn't know all that much about her. Maybe they could get to know each other today, if she comes.

It was eight o'clock pm, and he would have to close the shop in two hours. She still hadn't come in.

Currently, Luke's elbow was on the counter with the cash register, and his chin was being held in his hand. The stool he had been sitting on was growing uncomfortable, but he finished stocking everything, so he had no other excuses to get up and walk around.

He looked at the clock for probably the twentieth time in the last five minutes, letting a long sigh out.

His frown was just starting to show when the bell on the door rang.

In came the girl he'd been waiting to see all day.

"Hey, Hummingbird."

He expected her to say a funny comment, or something of the sorts, but instead she kept her head to the left, away from Luke, muttering a small "hey."

"You okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah. Dandy." She walked over to the records in the corner farthest from Luke.

"How are you, record boy?" She was standing so that her back was facing Luke.

He frowned at her, but he wasn't really sure why.

"I'm good. I got to sleep in today. So great, actually."

"Hmm," she hummed, her fingers still searching through records, "that's good."

"Yeah, for sure. Hey...are you sure you're okay?"

She finally pulled out a record she liked and walked up to Luke, who was still seated at the cash register. He looked down at it. The Doors. He nodded in approval.

"Yeah, I'm good." She stated at the same time that Luke looked up and gasped.

"Jesus, how'd you get that?"

His eyes studied the black and blue bruise around her left eye.

She shrugged with a small, sheepish smile, "ran into a door."

"Ouch..." he played along with her lie, but he really didn't believe that was the reason she had a bruise covering half of her face.

They carried on with their awkward conversation for a small while longer. It had started to near nine o'clock when she decided she should head out.

"Well, see you later, record boy."

"Night, Hummingbird..."

He watched her leave the shop. Maybe he really didn't know anything about her.


thank you all so much for reading. i enjoy writing this a lot and i like to think that the (probably only five) people reading this like it.

what do you think happened to Hummingbird?

not really expecting any answers to that (yet??) but yeah.

thanks for reading!

-a <3

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