chapter twenty three

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r e c o r d s h o p


Luke realized that night, when him and Hummingbird were cuddled up on the uncomfortable couch, listening to music and the soft sound of the rain on the windows, that he might feel something a little more than just "like" for the girl. He realized that he might love her.

Of course he didn't know how he felt about his new found discovery. He didn't want to overwhelm the girl, because he knew she was struggling with figuring out her own feelings. It wouldn't be right to make her deal with his feelings, too.

As he rubbed her back affectionately and heard her soft breaths, he breathed in her vanilla scent. He felt the soft material of his hoodie that she somewhat stole, and her feather soft hair at the same time. The warmth radiating off of her body and onto his, mixed with the sereneness of the scene around him, made his mind feel hazy. His brain could only register the word happiness.

He couldn't help but smile.

"Luke," he never realized how much he loved to hear his name fall from her lips, she made it sound so soft and sweet.


"I really really like you,"

He was happy, but he wished the 'really really' part was replaced with 'love.'

"I really really like you too, my princess."

"My prince," she murmured.

He continued to rub her back, and he let his eyes close for a moment. He could almost picture their relationship in a few years. Maybe they would have just gotten engaged, and they could get a cat and a dog. The dog would probably chase the cat around all of the time, but they'd love it to much to let it go. They would probably stay in the same apartment, at least for a little while, because Luke can recall Hummingbird saying how much she likes it. He knew he was getting ahead of himself, but it was nice to relish in the feeling of love.

"What're you thinking about?" She asked him quietly.

"Honestly? Our futures--well, our future together."

"Yeah? What do you think will happen?"

"Well, I think we could get a dog, and a cat too, and--" and so Luke told her his story. The story of two people in love who stayed in the apartment that their love first grew in, and they could raise their cat and dog in. They would work at the record shop until they didn't need to work anymore, or until Hummingbird didn't want to work, because if that happened, then he would just work there. He would always take care of her. They would take daily walks around the small town, they'd talk about the music that they love--

"Oh my gosh! That reminds me! I got you something!"

He carefully lifted the sleepy, smiley, girl off of him and placed her gently back onto the couch, going to the space in the back of his closet, where he hid her gift.

"Luke! You didn't have to get me anything for--well, what's it for?"

He chuckled as he dug through the closet.

"It's because I lo-like you a lot!"

He heard her gorgeous laugh from the next room at the same time he found the gift. My good luck charm, he thought.

Walking back into the living room, he held the gift behind his back.

"Okay, I didn't have time to wrap it up, but I hope you like it," he brought it out from behind his back and watched as her eyes lit up and a beautiful grin appeared on her face.

"Oh my gosh, record boy! You bought me a record!"

She took the record from his hands and studied the cover carefully. Flora Cash, the exact one she wanted.

"Can we listen to it?"

"Of course, baby."

Excitedly, she put the record on the record player, and took Luke's hand in hers.

Dancing around his apartment to Flora Cash with the girl he loved, he decided that no feeling, and no other moment, could ever be better.

alright so this is one of my favorite chapters.

so cute, so pure, so—a filler, but it's still okay because their relationship is beautiful!!

i bought (well, my mum did) a new bed and a new mattress because my bed now is actually recalled and falling apart. (literally the screws and bolts are falling out of it.) also my mattress now has springs sticking out of it and it feels like im sleeping on a rock.

so in a week or so ill have my new bed & mattress & im super excited.

okay sorry this is just me being random at this point.

question of the chapter:

have you ever bought a record (or just any way to listen to music) for someone?  if so, what/who was it?

okay that's all. have a lovely day & weekend.

bless up for no school for two days.

thank you all for reading, i love ya tons!

-a <3

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