chapter nine

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r e c o r d  s h o p


"Ask me a question and I'll answer it," she told him.

"Are you sure you're okay with that?" Luke didn't want to push her too far past her comfort zone. He liked the small girl who sat in beside him with her body slightly facing his.

Although, Luke knew his curiosity always got the best of him. He wanted her to be comfortable with telling him things, but he was so curious as to what was going on with the beautiful girl.

"Yeah, I'm sure," she gave him a slight smile.

"Ah-alright. I'll start with just...easy ones," he paused for a moment. His mind was telling him to ask straight out who hurt her, but his heart was telling him to go easy on her. He really wanted to know everything about her. Maybe he could just ask simple questions?

"What's your favorite band?" He asked her after a moment of silence.

"What?" She laughed, "I was expecting a deeper question than that."

"Well, I realized I just want to know the small, important details about you first. Y'know? So I'm starting with those."

"Okay, well, I like a lot of bands, but I'm sure you've noticed that. I really like All Time Low and Nirvana, but there's so many others, like Blink."

He smiled widely at her answer. She couldn't be more perfect for him.

He asked a few more simple questions, but eventually he couldn't really think of any.

"Why don't you ask me a few? I need to think of more, anyway."

"Hmm, okay," she paused, "have you got any popcorn?" She grinned.

He laughed at her expression, watching her beautiful grin.

"Yeah, of course, it's in the kitchen. We'll make some, come help me."

Luke stood from the couch, offering her his hand. She took it with a smile and let him help her up. He didn't want to let go once she stood up, so he didn't. He intertwined his fingers with hers, leading her towards the kitchen. He didn't want to look down enough for her to see his blush, but he stole a small glance and saw her smiling down at their intertwined hands.

In the kitchen, he searched for a bowl while he told Hummingbird where the plastic packaged popcorn bags were. She popped one in the microwave and patiently waited while Luke searched for a bowl.

He finally found a light, almost pastel, yellow one.

"That's a really pretty color," she commented.

"What? The yellow? Yeah, I like it a lot. Not too manly of me, but that's okay," he laughed, causing her to laugh with him while she shook her head.

"Liking the color yellow doesn't make you any less manly. Plus, I think everyone can tell by looking at you that you're not very girly. Besides the hair."

The microwave beeped and Luke went to take out the popcorn. He opened the top of the bag and carefully poured it all in the bowl, adding a little butter to melt on it, all the while trying not to burn himself.

"Wait, what's wrong with my hair?" He reached his hand up to feel his curly, golden brown locks as she took the bowl out of his hands. They started to walk to the living room.

"Well, it's just very long," she noticed his pout, "don't worry though, I think it looks really cute on you."

"You think I'm cute?" He grinned.

"Cutest guy I've ever seen," she grinned back.

"And you're the cutest girl I've ever seen, my Hummingbird."

hello! i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

i wanted to post it before midnight. it'll be my last chapter posted in 2018.

now, I promised myself that I wouldn't get emotional or anything, but I can't help but think of the year and how weird it's going to be to say "yeah, it's 2019."

a lot has happened. a LOT. it's almost insane to think about really. 365 days are soon to be completed before we go around again.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who's ever supported me/my writing. it means the world. and I think everyone knows how much I appreciate people who support me in anyway that they do.

thank you to all of my readers, my voters, my commenters, my followers, my friends, my family.

and I also just want to take a moment to remember me, honestly I am so proud of myself for becoming the person I have wanted to be for so long.

well, I don't want this note to get too long.

thank you for everything you all have done.

thank you,

see you next year,

-a <3

record shop//lrhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon