chapter fourteen

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r e c o r d  s h o p


All too soon, it was time for Luke to go back to work. His three days of vacation were over, and he knew he had to get back to his responsibilities in the real world.

He absolutely loved every second spent with his Hummingbird, and he was torn when he realized he wouldn't be able to cuddle her all day anymore. Three days went by way too fast. Although Luke had a feeling that he could've spent a lifetime alone with her and would still feel like it wasn't enough.

Waking up at six thirty was the first thing he hated about Monday. The second thing was having to leave Hummingbird, and the third thing was having to leave the comfort of his home and warm bed. The record shop was peaceful and comforting, but it didn't have traces of the small girl lingering around, like his apartment did.

There were barely any, though, because she was absolutely obsessed with cleaning any mess she made. She was extremely grateful that Luke allowed her to stay with him for the three days, and she felt like she owed it to him to keep his apartment clean.

He tried to tell her that with her being there it was the cleanest it had ever been, but she just wouldn't listen. He didn't have the heart to tell her to stop helping out, he knew it made her feel a lot better about her situation.

Throughout the three days, Luke hadn't really thought about her ever leaving to go back to the house with her dad and step-brother, so he was surprised when she got up with him to start getting ready to leave.

"What're you doing, Birdie?" He asked, as he saw her in the bathroom, sluggishly getting ready. He saw her smile slightly before looking down.

"Getting ready to go hom--to go to my dad's," she said, and her smile turned into a frown.

Luke, noticed her slip up, but he didn't say anything. He knew she felt as if it wasn't home. To be honest, he felt like her home was with him, but he wouldn't tell her that. Not yet, at least.


"Well, I can't stay here for the rest of my life. Plus, I feel awful because you've been taking care of me like a baby. I think it's time I grew up so you don't have to worry about me."

"My favorite thing to do is worry about you. I'm constantly thinking about you. I don't think I can let you go back there, babe."

"Luke...I can't just live off of you. You've got your own responsibilities. You've got the shop, your apartment, everything else you love. I don't want to get in the way of your life. You've got more important things. I don't even have any money to pay for things around here. It's unfair of me to make you pay for it all."

"You wouldn't be getting in the way of anything. I like having you around. You make me happy."


"No, I'm serious. I want to protect you. You really do make me happy. Do I make you happy?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"No buts then. Please don't go back there."

"But what about money?"

"I'm pretty sure I said no buts, baby. You can come work at the shop if you're really worried about it. It pays well. Plus, you'll be working with a very handsome young man."

She thought for a little bit, "okay..."

"Okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah, alright. Okay."

"Thank God, I don't want you to ever get hurt again. You're too pretty to wear a bruise, and you're too kind to cry."

"You're the best, record boy."

early update for you guys because i wanted to update before i went to school.

i hope you all have a wonderful day today :)

or if it's night where you are then have a good night!!

question of chapter:

what do you want to do with your life?

thank you for reading!

love you all :)

-a <3

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