chapter one

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r e c o r d  s h o p


It was a normal day, for the most part. Luke was extremely tired, but he continued to stock new records in the dusty shop.

There weren't any customers today, but there never really were any in general.

The night before, Luke had been up all night, trying to figure out why he was always so sad.

The only joys he had were music and, even though it didn't seem like it, the small record shop on the corner of ruby road.

Luke had three friends; Michael, Ashton, and Calum, who all enjoyed music just as much as him. Once, when they were younger, they had a band. They wrote all of their own songs, and they actually started to go somewhere. Pretty soon though, like all of Luke's past dreams, they fell apart.

Still friends, they continued to hangout, but making music together was just a fun pastime anymore.

Luke was snapped out of his thoughts when the bell on the door rung, signaling that someone had actually come into the shop.

Luke said a short "hello, let me know if you need help with anything," without even looking up. It was what he was required to say. He felt it was a bit too formal for him, but it was a job.

When he was done stocking all of the records, he walked behind the counter that was holding the cash register. He picked up some forms he had to fill out for the job for some odd reason, letting a small puff of air out of his mouth. He began writing all the information it asked for onto the papers.

"Excuse me?"

Luke snapped his head up at the sound of a girl's voice.

"Do you have any All Time Low records? I looked, but I couldn't find any."

He glanced around the store, trying to remember.

"Actually, yeah. I think we do. Looking for a specific album?"

"Yeah, I'm just looking for Future Hearts. My cat broke the one I already had." She chucked a bit, and the sound made Luke's cheeks heat up.

"Yeah, I think we have that in the back. Just give me one second." He didn't spare any time for her reply before heading into the back room in search of the record she wanted.

Only a few moments later, Luke returned holding the exact thing the girl wanted in his hands.

"Here you are." He handed it to her, noticing their fingers brush over one another's.

"Thanks..." she trailed off for a second, looking at his name tag. It read Luke R. Hemmings.

"Robert," She finished off, laughing slightly.

"Wait," he looked down at his name tag, "how'd you know that was my middle name?"

She winked, "I'm a mind reader."

Luke's eyebrows furrowed before the girl burst out with more of her angelic laughter.

"I'm just kidding, babe. I saw it on those forms you were filling out earlier."

His cheeks reddened more than they already were before he spoke up.

"Well, if you know my name, can I get yours?"

"Maybe someday." She winked again, putting the proper cash amount for the album on the counter, before walking out of the record shop and down the street.

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