final words

52 11 8

Kayla's pov

I was in the middle of shooting people and trying to survive when I saw Jill she wasn't looking where she was going and there was somebody pointing a gun at her.

I ran from where I was and quickly grabbed her when suddenly I felt the pain of a bullet hitting me. I quickly shot the person then held my shoulder.

" what are you doing here" I asked when suddenly I felt dizzy and fell.

Jill put her arm over me trying to get me up but she couldn't.

"This is all my fault" she cried as her blood dripped off her finger tips and fell to the ground.

" get out of here Jill" I yelled but she wouldn't go.

The place had became a blood bath everyone I knew was dead or they skipped town.

I place my hand on the cold bloody ground and forced myself up while stumbling.

" let's go " I told Jill as we both tried making our way out, shooting everyone who comes our way.

Finally we made it to the bottom where there was no one in sight. Jill looked pale as if she was already dead. Her lips were white and her eyes were weak. She was walking but was hardly moving.

"Why did you leave the hospital? Are you fucking crazy" I shouted with every strength left inside me while grabbing her hand. She looked away from me then replied " I love you Kayla ".  Those words made me stop and look up at her.

A single tear fell from my eyes then I hugged her.

" that's so touching" I heard a familiar voice say from behind. I spin around and made eye contact with gabby. She was holding her gun and looking at Jill with blood all over her face. 

"Did you think I was dead Jill or did you just think of Kayla? Or maybe it's Kayla who wanted to leave me behind. She spoke while crossing her hand and looking at us.

" your  dad would have killed me" I shouted.

"Oh but my  dad is dead" gabby replied while smirking.

" you know what Kayla it's time for you and your girlfriend to go too." She said while pointing the gun at Jill.

She smiled then was about to pull the trigger when I heard a gunshot. Gabby's gun fell from her hand and then she fell face way down.

I looked up and saw Charles. He walked over to us and kicked Gabby's body to make sure she's dead.
" I'm going to be the one to kill you bitches " he said while walking over to Jill.

He grabbed her by the cheek and started forcing her to kiss him. He pulled her by the neck with his tongue down her throat.

"Stop it" I shouted while trying to move. My body was dead because of the amount of blood I had lost.

Jill fell to the floor half dead, she stretches her hands out as Charles began taking off her clothes in front of me.

" Charles stop it " I yelled once more but he didn't even look at me.

"Let me show you how to have sex". He yelled while unbuckling his pants and sliding between Jill's legs. She cried as Charles began pushing himself inside of her. Unable to do anything I turned my head away trying to block out the sounds of Jill crying.

It went on for more than a hour then he pulled out and got up. Jill was crying she looked over at me  then began crawling on her hands.

Charles started laughing as he walked pass Jill and came over to me.

" you know something Kayla I was going to skip this shitty town until I saw you arrive. You came here to run from your past and your problems but they caught up with you." He spoke while smiling.

He bent down then kiss me on the cheek. " I should have done this a long time ago ". He said while taking out his gun and pointing it at me.

He aimed it at my head and I close my eyes.

" say good bye " he shouted when suddenly I saw him stop and then he fell to the floor.  Jill stood behind him with a knife in her hand. She looked at me then fell to the floor once more.

I crawled over to her and take the knife from her hand and started stabbing Charles over and over again.

" Jill are you okay" I yelled but she didn't answer.

I stumbled to my feet shaking and tried making my way over to her.

She was lying on the ground with her skin all paled gasping for air. I fell to my knees and held her around the neck while crying.

" this is all my fault! You would have had a better life if I hadn't moved here." I cried holding on to her as tight as I could.

"I it's my fault to too Kayla" she muttered under her breath then smiled.

I looked at her then smiled also" I'm sorry "I whispered then lift her head up and began kissing her cracked up lips.

" I'm sorry Jill" I replied as I felt myself falling also.

I fell to the floor with Jill's head in my lap. She moved her hands and held mine.

"We're going to be to together  forever I whispered holding on to her hand also.

She squeezed my arms as our blood mixed together on the floor "I love you Kayla " she whisper and I whisper and I whisper back " I'm yours forever ". Those were our final words before I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

So guys I've come to the end of this sad story🔐😊😢

And I'll like to thank you all for your support in reading and voting it meant a lot 💯👑🔐

Thank you all♥💘💓💯

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