Chapter 1: The Beginning

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With every sun comes a new day

As dusk faded to dawn, the sun peeked over the mountains to feel the world in it's warmth

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As dusk faded to dawn, the sun peeked over the mountains to feel the world in it's warmth. The animals awakened from their sleep and wondered into the forest to find food for their young and parents wake to start their morning as well as their kids. We look to a mansion far outside of town in the forest. Inside the quiet atmosphere, we hear the sound of a door opening to reveal a tall, young-looking man. He has shoulder length, messy purple hair, aside from two sections on both sides that go just past his shoulders that are blue along with red eyes.

He wears black pants, black boots, and two shirts. One long-sleeved, dark purple shirt, and a lighter purple colored shirt visible from under the hem and above the collar of his first shirt and accessories himself with leather gloves with studs on the thumbs' sides, and owns a long, black jacket that appears to have two different materials, the sleeves being made of leather.

 One long-sleeved, dark purple shirt, and a lighter purple colored shirt visible from under the hem and above the collar of his first shirt and accessories himself with leather gloves with studs on the thumbs' sides, and owns a long, black jacket ...

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This man is Kaito Sinclair, the first husband of Yumiko Rashiro Kurosawa and father of two. As he walks into the room, we see two girls. One with blonde hair and the other with dark plum as he walks over he gently shakes them awake. They didn't budge from their sleep. He expected this for it was always hard to wake the two. Ripping the covers off them, he attacked them on their sides. Laughter rang out through the room as the girls tried their hardest  to pry their father off of them.

"Daddy! Stop it! We're up! We're up!"  He watches as they open their eyes to reveal red rubies, one being light then the other. He smiles at the two before  getting out of bed and walking to their closet. Grabbing two purple dresses, he lead them on the bed, as he watched his girls rub the sleep from their eyes. He loves his girls dearly and would do anything for them. That's why most of the time, he always got in trouble with his wife. She always said that he was spoiling them, which he didn't understand what she meant. 

"Daddy! Get out! We need to get ready, so we can go with mommy before she leaves! Now out!"

He laughed as he felt his girls pull him form the bed and walked him to the door. Being shoved out,  he smiled and began to walk down the hall to the dinning room.

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