Kanna Kurosawa

886 15 5

Edited 6/7/19

Kanji: 黒澤カンナ
(Kurosawa Kan'na)

Gender: Female

Age: 17 (physically) real age: Unknown

Height: 5'4

Weight: 76lbs

Species: Half-Demon

Blood type: A

Eye color: Dark purple

Hair color: Light purple

Occupation: Student (she's doesn't have a job like the others)

Personality: Kanna is a bipolar girl with two split personalities. One of her personalities is called, "Manipulator" She can be very cunning and manipulative which can be a hassle to handle. She is very competitive and does not like people to talk down to her. Her other personality is called, "Goddess" She is the definition of kindness. She loves to be helpful and do anything that can make her families day. She loves to carry around her bunny, Kuro who was a gift to her from her father.

Family: Yumiko Kurosawa (Mother) Kaito Sinclair (Step-father-Deceased) Okita Nanase (Father-Deceased) Tatsumi Suoh (Step-father-Deceased) Shiro and Ruka (Older step-sisters) Akane (Older sister) Leone (Younger sister) Sora (Younger step-sister) Kanato (lover/brother) Reiji, Shu, Ayato, Laito, and Subaru (Step-brothers) Karlheinz (step-father)

Facts about Kanna:

° She hates Yui

° She talks to Kuro cause she feels like her father's spirit is in him

° She talks to Kuro cause she feels like her father's spirit is in him

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° She LOVES sweets

° She is rarely angry

° She spends most of her time with her two sisters

° She gets upset easily

° She hates bitter things

° She loves purple

Her Demon Form:
-This form is were her Manipulative personality came to be. In this form she is extremely cocky and very cunning. She can be easily angered [ Has anyone else noticed they all get angered easily in their forms? ) She can control ice and wind which is called, "Half and Half" The reason is called this is because the left side of her body is always covered in wind; if you look closely yo can see the wind gently swirling around her left side. While her right side is always cold; at closer inspection you can see tiny bits of ice specks on the arm. Unlike her two sisters she is not half vampire.

 Unlike her two sisters she is not half vampire

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