TRAILER REACTION: 'The Nature of the Game Fountellion'

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Featured on Game Labs Super-Channel:

'Today the FULL trailer for a new immersive movie came out across the Gridscape and.. wow... It looks amazing...!

I don't watch many movies anymore. I hardly get time, as most of it I spend on gaming; immersed on the island. Or in The Spiral. It's one or the other these days isn't, eh?

But I still love watching trailers. They include most of the movie anyway and I can get a good sense of what's in store... and what I'm gonna take away from it. And in many cases I just feel: Been there, done that, got that... you know?!

But of course I'm just gonna have to see this one, as it's a movie about that 'game' I play... and it's just called 'The Nature of the Game Fountellion'.

So... yeah, it contains many of the elements that dominate my life at this time. It's about me, I guess... and about many of you guys who love games too, and who 'know' me in the Village and in the Source... and who faithfully tune in to my logs.

At the very least, I hope it'll prove to be something worthwhile or inspiring... something that celebrates our game; leads others into its changing, knotted fabric.

Even if written really well then I just know it could be about so much more...

But it looks set to be about the story of our 'Green Garden': its creation... its influence...

Anyway, strap in and here we go guys... Let's take a look...'


Based on the visionary super-game of nature 'Fountellion'...

[Scene: Dimly-lit cafe or diner. A boy + girl, dressed normally are talking...]

Boy: "There seem to be more and more of these Dis places..."

[We see clip of two pale, scruffy regulars looking over, sunken eyes. They turn back to their drinks.]

Girl: "Yeah... I guess they've seen... too much... but.. (looking at boy)....what did you see...?"

[Fade out. Music starts...'In Dreams' spidery music by Ben Howard.]

[Cuts to elderly man... he's putting some old map away into a box, closing it firmly. One of his hands shakes slightly. But he pulls open two heavy, wooden barn doors... They open onto an amazing property with fields, well-maintained garden. He takes his glasses off and squints towards the setting sun. A breeze blows across this rustic scene...

Just then a train passes... it's high-tech and fast and we see it headed for a mega-city that had previously not been quite in the frame...]

[Close-up of his eyes again. Expression of concern.]

[Cut back to cafe:
Boy is raising his coffee cup to his mouth. He takes a sip. He closes his eyes...}

[Music starts: 'Green Garden' by Laura Mvula.]

[Next we see cutscenes. Fragments of the extraordinary world of Fountellion. Only it's more overgrown; wilder...

Boy touches down after some kind of flight within a garden-scape similar to the elderly man's place, only it's vibrantly enhanced. Wild. Seeds likes magic fill the air. The boy gets up and looks around, fearfully. He's out of breath. And dodges a dragonfly that swoops down, forcing him to duck.]

Fountellion in THE SPIRAL: Greenwise & the Nature of the GameWhere stories live. Discover now