SUPER-LOG 5: The Nature of the Game

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Ok, great... so with some introduction out of the way, it looks like I might get some answers about this place.

I do...

I get the low-down on my new tattoos (small fork-like runes on the back of both hands – one being my life or energy meter and the other for my 'powers'). And a whole load of fascinating stuff... but I still get a sense that Greenwise is holding back a lot. And I'm itching to go for more jumping. I hope he's going to show me this.

I ask him straight out:

"So am I about to be given a resource-gathering quest? One where I have to go a-roaming around and pick flowers to survive?"

He answers me directly and it's a surprise.

"You can," he says. "And there will be times, when you're outside like this, outside the village, that you will be forced to... fend. And you will hunt. But first, you must know what it is to be hunted... and to listen..."

"Sounds fair. I'm listening..."

"Not truly Dan. For if you were, you would hear the whispers through the corn around you. This is not the game fabric. These are – and will be – the words chosen by former mages, developers and even founders, to linger on... So if ever you seek help or wisdom in the game, or inspiration, then you will find it here, when I am... faded..."



Despite the wonder and detail of the moving, rendering world and fabric variables, the player is beginning to question how they will fit into it all.

Player: "What do we do here?"

Many players will wish to continue experimenting with control over movement and interaction with the landscape. They will want more. They will want to roam and test more, for learning the secrets of the land. Others will be more patient. Greenwise faces a struggle to impart sufficient wisdom – to hold attention – to ensure your survival.

Greenwise: "You must listen. While we have time."

Greenwise: "You want to explore don't you? You want to roam and test yourself to find the limits of the world and what is possible. You will. But first, let me explain just a few things..."

Player: "Why do I have to wait? Why does it matter? What is there to worry about?"

Greenwise: "Well, it matters if you want to play the game, eh? For how long – how much – do you want to experience?"


If a player starts to acclimatise via practice, without Greenwise's instruction, he will frequently fall, diminishing energy. Greenwise will enter a default 'waiting cycle', leaning on his staff and looking a little bored and restless. If attacked he will swiftly defend and be able to knock the player down with a few strokes of his staff, but without harming the player, unless the player exhibits significant behavioral abuse.

If the latter occurs, Greenwise can become serious and intimidating.

He will unbalance the player with words such as:

"This land demands respect if you are to survive it! And you will not last much longer here without starting to listen to my every word! For when the sun goes down I shall be gone. And you cannot summon me at night. And that is when you will die... if, that is, the Stokermen don't spear you first..."

If the player remains calm:

"Now, that's better. Through me you will learn to acclimatise quickly. But then, later, you will ultimately learn more of the following, if you heed what I say. Otherwise you'll learn much slower, and much harder...

Basic Gestures, Energy and Control

Injury, Life and death

The Quests and Insights

Powers and Possibilities in Fountellion, including:

Focus, Listening, Voice and Transformation."

If the player continues in a non-cooperative manner:

Greenwise may either abandon the player to the world without further instruction, or banish them forcefully.

Fountellion in THE SPIRAL: Greenwise & the Nature of the GameWhere stories live. Discover now