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V-SOWN, a 'Virtual Super Online World of Nature'

'They say people will play any game if it is designed with a certain number of essential elements: convincing graphics, a fluid interface and slick, empowering options for mastery over a world. Games are akin to minute portions of life, packaged up for alluring, potential absorption.

However, the ratio of 'challenge to fun' inside a free and open world, is maybe the most challenging aspect for a designer to maintain. Challenge directly affects the levels of fun and engagement which are so key to an involving, even thrilling game. So, for example, if a spaceship consumes constant resources within a space simulator this can be over-challenging – and not much fun to play, after a time. It presents a barrier to the promise of exploration; experimentation.

Nature, or life itself... has less restraints, these days. We are taught that anything is possible, in terms of being able to alter our environment; create our destinies, when in fact, all around us, the immediate environment presents restrictions and invisible challenge.

So... any 'ultimate, open-world game' must be fun – that smooth, immersive feeling – exhilarating – of freedom and control. Then... a bit of a challenge, obtaining resources for upgrades... moving through towards a summit... then: great insight, learning... revelation.... [Mr. Fielding's eyes glitter upwards as he whispers this last word.]

And afterwards... will you go back into that game, for more surprises, more paths towards mature empowerment; more exciting narrative; more creativity – customisations, modifications and capture moments – to show and to share with others? 

Will you then become more aware of immediate environments, your decisions and outcomes, and how they can affect your destiny in the game... or beyond it? 

Yes... it's all about making discoveries, within a fabric, that bear some kind of direct relevance to the formulation of a player's own adventures and story...

Much like our real lives, where, in similar ways, we make our own story; we find ourselves...'

From an interview with Ben Fielding: 'Immerverse' Magazine

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