Chapter 18: Explain.

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(A/N: I swear, your comments make my day, I laugh hard. My mother thinks I'm weird, but what can I say, I love seeing comments x)

Chapter 18 :D



I left the house, time to get some new hair products, running out of hair gel and hair spray, plus we do need food. I made sure to kiss Skyler's head before I left.

I took my keys out of my pocket, jumping in the drivers seat, it's nice to have her home, she had us all worried sick. I drove out of the driveway, heading to the grocery store, crap. I forgot my hat, it could have been somewhat of a disguise...guess sunglasses will do, right?

I searched around the car for sunglasses as I entered the parking lot, finding some in the backseat, well well well, I left mine in the backseat, how uncommon for me.

I parked in the front, easier for me to run out if a fan or many fans rush over to me, I don't have security with me like I should, but Paul is busy with management at the moment.

I walked in, heading straight to the products, I'll get the food last, need to make sure my kind of things are here, errr..where is it.

I bent down looking at the individual types.

"Z-Zayn Malik, oh my god!" A girl was shaking right in front of me.

"Hi, what's your name?" I stood up, smiling, may as well get it over with so I can hurry up and get out of here, really I don't mind because I love the fans.

"V-Valerie." Valerie was so shocked, but then instantly had the biggest grin on her face.

"Valerie, is that Zayn Malik??" Another girl came up beside her, nudging her.

She nodded, biting her lip, almost in tears.

"Oh, please don't cry." I shook my head, smiling.

The other girl asked for a hug, I nodded hugging her, then she asked for a kiss on the cheek, which I guess is alright. I heard cameras flashing.

"You're amazayn." The other girl said, had her arms wrapped around me, then she pulled my head down, crashing our lips together. Oh no! More flashes.

I pushed her off, angry.

"What's wrong?" The girl smirked.

"You don't kiss me! I have a girlfriend, Skyler. This is most of the reasons why we have security with us, goodbye." I pushed past her, leaving the grocery store empty handed. Well what am I supposed to do? Act like it never happened? Go and just pretend I can keep buying products and food? No. No. And No. I got in the car, checking my phone on twitter. 

Oh no, those pictures are already on Twitter. I banged my hands on the steering wheel. I have a lot of explaining to do.

I turned in the driveway, this is going to be a long conversation and lectures...I deserve it.

I got inside, slamming the door behind me, heading up the stairs. Even if Skyler didn't see the pictures, I'm still going to tell her what happened, I want her to find out by me, not by people on the internet.

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