Chapter 18- Mom...

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You probably don't know what happened to my mom. I was eleven years old, about five years ago.

Flash back...

"Come on Rosey, we'll be late for that opening at the GRAM BOUTIQUE." She yelled from the car.

I came running downstairs and quickly hugged my dad before I got into the car.

"Seat belt on, looking pretty, and ready to go?" She said while doing what she was saying.

"Check, check, and let's go mom or ' we'll be late'." I said mimicking her tone. She quickly started the car and in no time we were on the road. We drove for a while without talking although we were smiling because our attention was basically on the grand opening of the new BOUTIQUE.

While I was thinking, my mom looked at me and smiled.

"Why you smiling mom?" I asked her.

"Do you love me, sweet cheeks?"

"Oh, I don't know really, do I, do I not. It's a really hard question to answer." I said, and both ended up laughing our guts out. It has always been great hanging out with my mom.

While we were laughing our guts out, we stopped at the red light and instantly my mom's door was yanked open. At the doorway stood a man holding a gun. He told us to get out of the car or he'll kill us. My mom and I quickly got out the car and we were now standing on the road. My mom quickly reached inside her bag and was just about to pull out her phone and call the police station when I heard a gun shot.

I screamed, and looked at the man in our car and looked back at my mom. She had a bullet on her lower abdomen and her eye were wide open when she saw that she got shot. Her face turned pale and she fell down onto the ground. The man in our car drove off and left me there with my dying mother. I went down on my knees and looked at her. I could feel my tears creeping up and I didn't hold them back.

"Mom. Don't go yet. Dad'll come and help us." She simply smiled a weak smile at me.

"I love you sweet cheeks." That was the last thing she said to me. I remembered  her question in the car and now might be the last time I tell her I love her back. I didn't waste time telling her that.

"I love you to mom. I love you a lot. Don't go mom. Don't leave me." She gave me one last look and smiled another weak smile then she closed her eyes. At that moment I knew she was gone. I squeezed her in my arms and cried my heart out.

She was gone.
She was gone to a better place.
...a better place.

Back to the present...

After remembering how she died, I cried some more. It hurt.

It hurt
It still hurt
It always hurt

I feel sorry for Rose and the death of her mother.

Thanks to all those people who have been reading my book and have been putting up with my late update.

I love you guys.

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