Chapter 13 - A Long Night

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That was creepy...

I'm having a hard time sleeping due to the incident with Ben. Just the thought of him is now creeping me out. How can a handsome guy be so bad.

I'm wide awake on my king-sized bed. I wasn't anywhere near sleep, so I decided to watch a movie and eat ice cream. I decided to watch the Titanic. It's the type of movie I know will give me a reason to cry. And yes, I cried a lot.

This movie is just like my life. There is a girl named Rose and she likes the good guy and the bad guy in this case has to be Ben. But Ben has to move on with his life. He can't be all stuck up on me, plus he can start dating that girl he posted about. He is actually pretty weird, now that I look at it. How can you post about a girl and say "she's the one" and still be stuck up on being rejected.

THE TITANIC movie ended and so I decided to watch another movie. I decided to watch GOOSEBUMPS 2. I got up to go make myself a sandwich. The time was 2:34. I guess I watching movies all night. I decided to check my phone. I went through my messages and ended up looking at the scary messages that Ben sent me. They gave me chills. Actually, I'm choosing to ignore them cause if I pay attention to these messages, I'll end up creeping myself out and being paranoid.

As I'm scrolling through my phone, I see an invite to some concert. It's at THE DOME. You have to bring a plus one. I'm guessing the couple's going there that I look know of are:

Chalsey & Matt
Nicole & Brady
Me & Jayden(if he's going)

I'm not sure I wanna go but even if I say 'no' Jayden and Nicole are going to end up forcing me to go. So I guess I'm going anyway.

I'm feeling kinda sleepy. I bearly slept and today is Monday. I really don't want to start my first day of school this week, walking around like a zombie. I walk up to my bedroom and get into my bed. I'm just about to lay my head on the pillow when I see a small yellow sticky note on my nightstand. I'm kinda curious and scared. I take the paper and start reading

I see you couldn't sleep tonight. Watching movies isn't really going to change anything. I'm sorry I didn't leave your room in a mess, I'm a tidy man. Don't get too distracted with your new boyfriend. I'm always watching you.


Late update, I know. Cut me the lectures guys. A girl got a lot of things to do. Deal with it.

JK. Sorry I took a while to update. But I gave you guy an extra chapter.

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