Chapter 6

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I arrived at school. My dad dropped me off today. He left me near the school drive way. As I got out of the car, Nicole quickly rushed to me. She was breathing heavily and kinda had a drop of sweat on her forehead.

"What's up Nicole?" I was worried.

" Yeah, so about the plan, I just saw Zoey walking in the hallway, going towards her locker. If you go now, you'll be able to reach her in time. Okay."

" Okay bye." I start running in Zoey's direction and I was able to get to her on time.

She locked very nice in her outfit. She is always so flawless.
Why do I care???

"Hey Zoey." I say.

" Hey Rose, you left early at my party, I hope it wasn't so bad." She is so sweet.

"Oh yeah, that. I'm sorry I left so early but can we please meet at the mall after school???" I think I sounded desperate. Shit!!

" Sure but why?"
Because I really wanna be your friend in a way.

" It's just a friendly outting. We're just gonna go shopping." I start walking away because I didn't want her to think I'm desperate.

" Wear something nice." I turn to look at her and this is what she did.

" I turn to look at her and this is what she did

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This girl seems to always amaze me. No wonder why Jayden likes her. I'm so jealous.

I turn around and go to my first class. The day went by so fast, I lost track of time. It was already after school. Nicole and I met behind the school just to go over the plan again. After the meet with Nicole, I went back home to change in to a nicer outfit.

 After the meet with Nicole, I went back home to change in to a nicer outfit

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After 1 hour of preparation, I finally left the house for the mall. I was on the road for about 20 minutes when I finally got to the mall. I could see Zoey's car at the parking lot, so I parked my car next to hers.

I got out of the car. I took my hand bag. I looked around for Zoey and I finally spotted her. I walked towards her, and she jumped up when she saw me. She looked so good.

" How does my outfit look Rose!" She said with excitement in her voice. She was clearly new at this.

 She was clearly new at this

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"You look great." I said with sarcasm.

" THANX."  She said.
She didn't even realize my sarcasm. Some girls though.

"Okay. Anyway." As I say that, right on queue, Nicole appears with Brady. They are having a fake argument and are walking towards us.



Our plan was working just right. It was a matter of time and patience that everything fall in place.


I see Nicole starting to cry real tears. She runs away really fast. Brady comes to me and gives me a romantically punishing kiss. It felt real.

"I broke up with Nicole for real Rose. I actually love you. Can you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked. This was supposed to be a prank but it was real.

Oh no...

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