Chapter 55

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Make sure if you haven't read the last chapter that you do ❤️

Betty POV:

I was sitting in the waiting room as I tried to control my breathing. Everyone was asleep and I couldn't help but let salty tears run down my tired face.

I knew I needed to try and calm down as all this stress isn't good for a baby, especially when it's so young.

When I tell Sweet Pea that I'm pregnant I want it to be a happy occasion and not over shadowed by Sweet Pea being in hospital.

I let out a sigh as I noticed Jellybean wake up and make her way over to me. She looks terrible, but then again I probably looked no better.

Betty: hey. I say softly. She gives me a soft smile.
Jellybean: how are you? She asked.
Betty: probably as bad as you are but worse. I say while not being able to look at her right in the eyes.

Jellybean: are you going to tell dad and Hal that you're pregnant? She asked.
Betty: yeah, I think I have to. All this stress isn't good for the baby. I say while resting my hand over my stomach. She nods her head agreeingly.

As soon as she nodded her head I couldn't help but notice the small resemblances she has with Sweet Pea. It made me burst into more tears. Jellybean took a step closer and embraced me in a hug.

Jellybean: hey, it'll be okay. She says while stroking my hair.
Betty: Jellybean we don't know that, what if he doesn't make it. I can't do this with out him- She cuts me off.
Jellybean: he's going to make it. She says as now she's sitting in my lap. Her side close to my stomach.
Betty: how do you know that? I asked with a cry while wiping away some of my old tears.
Jellybean: because when you were in hospital after being shot, Sweet Pea told me the exact same thing I told you. She says. I wipe my eyes and a small smile formed on my face.
Betty: I love you. I say to her. She smiled.
Jellybean: I love you too. She says while hugging me.

It was about 4:12 am. Jellybean was still sitting in my lap and both men were either side to me. Jellybean gave me a look saying it's time for me to tell them I'm pregnant.

Betty: uh, I need to tell you something. I say while looking at Fp and my dad. They both turned their attention to me.
Betty: I'm pregnant. I say while not being able to meet their eyes.

I have no idea what they're thinking right now. Any other day they would have been over the moon that they're going to have a grandchild. They've been not so subtly telling us to have a kid for a few years now. Sweet Pea and I had always found it funny.

Hal: baby. He says while wrapping his arm around my shoulder and placing a kiss on my head.
Fp: I honestly have no idea what to say. Does Sweet Pea no? He asked. I shake my head.
Betty: I only found out I was pregnant a couple minutes before Tall Boy called me. I say with a shaky voice.

Both Fp and my dad gave me sorry looks. I only had a couple of minutes to indulge in the glory of having a child, then I got the dreaded call, my one love was in hospital.

Fp: I'm so sorry darling. He says while holding one of my hands in his.

I burst into tears and Jellybean embraced me in a tight and calming hug. She gently rubbed my back while the men around me tried to comfort me.

It hadn't really set in yet, until now, I could actually loose Sweet Pea, he could die.

The guy who I've loved all my life could be gone in the matter of seconds.

I could be all alone in this world. I would never be able to cope if Sweet Pea wasn't here with me, telling me what to do and always being their to comfort me. I need the guy who has stolen my heart. I need the man who promised to stay with me for the rest of my life. I can't live without Sweet Pea, especially more then ever, I'm carrying his damn child. He can't leave me now, not when I need him the absolute most.

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