Chapter 28

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Betty POV:

I wake up in the warm comfort of my boyfriends arm wrapped around me, keeping me close to him. I move my cherry pink lips to his lips and place small kisses to it. I could feel him slowly waking up and reacting to my kiss.

He started using tongue and pulled my body on top of his, I was in a straddling position as he sits up and kissed me roughly. It took all I had not to moan. His lips moved harshly against my jawline. The softness of his tongue gracing over my skin sent shivers down my spine.

My hands moved to the side of his face, caressing his cheeks as he moved his tongue teasingly inside my mouth again.

We both slowly pull away from each other and rest our foreheads against one another.

Sweet Pea: I love you. He breathed out.
Betty: I love you more. I say.
Sweet Pea: impossible. He whispered

We both slowly brought ourselves back to reality and got up out of bed. We both quickly got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Sweet Pea started making the three of us breakfast and I took a seat next to Jellybean. She was going on about her date. I couldn't help but smile as she told me every little detail, from the way he complemented her or how well dressed he was.

Kane had set up a perfect date. They had a picnic under the stars, the conversation was effortless and he was a true gentleman, Jellybean had told me. They even had their first kiss, the smile she had on her face reminded me of when I had my first kiss with Sweet Pea, my first official kiss with him.

When I noticed him first lean in my heart stopped and I thought I was going to faint from the excitement. Our first kiss was soft and passionate.

Sweet Pea: can we please stop talking about my sister and her boyfriend? He says with a slight bit of disgust.

He places our food in front of us and takes a seat opposite me.

Jellybean: that's the thing, he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend. She says with sadness. I give her a side hug.

Betty: trust me, you're his girlfriend. You know Sweet Pea never asked me to be his girlfriend, we've been together for 5 years. I shrug while taking a bite of my food.
Sweet Pea: what? I asked you to be my girlfriend.
Betty: no, you asked me out on a date, that's all. I say to him.
Sweet Pea: okay fine, will you be my girlfriend? He asked with a grin.
Betty: sorry, I'm seeing someone else. I say with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and walks to my side of the table.

He leans down to my level and pushes his lips to mine. His tongue moved slickly against the walls of my mouth. His hands moved to my hips. Our tongues dragged over each other's and I stood up so I could be closer to him.

Jellybean: was that really necessary? She asked as we pull apart.

I look up to Sweet Pea and brush my lips over his.

Betty: absolutely. I say while placing a final peck on his lips. He takes my hand in his and leads me to his chair. He takes a seat and sits me on his lap. I smile at him.

Jellybean: you two get grosser every time I see you. She says while taking a bite of her toast.
Sweet Pea: you haven't seen the worst of it. He says with a wink. Jellybean rolls her eyes.
Jellybean: can you stop your boyfriend from being disgusting. She says while looking at me.
Betty: he's your brother. I say with a smirk.
Jellybean: I didn't choose to have him as my brother, you got to choose to have him as your boyfriend.
Betty: fair point. I say. She grins at me.
Sweet Pea: you're not suppose to agree with her. He says.
Betty: why? I say with a grin.
Sweet Pea: rule number one, always agree with your handsomely hot boyfriend. Jellybean makes a fake vomit noise.
Betty: who said you were hot? I say to him.

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