A Dream Of Something New (chapter 27)

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I hate this...
These people looking at me like I'm some type of animal that they've never seen before.

I try to remember, but...I just can't. Nothing comes to mind.
I don't even know who to trust.

But, there is one thing.
One thing that my mind keeps looping over and over again. It's almost like a memory that keeps repeating itself.

I can't actually say that it's mostly a memory because then I would be lying. It's a song...a song that keeps repeating itself, but I don't know why.
Sometimes I would get a little glimps of what might have happend, but then it just stops.
It's almost like a dream, but it feels so real.

The only parts that I could remember was where I was sitting in front of a radio and the song that kept looping in my head was the one that was playing.

It's quit an old song, but I think it might be called, Only you, by Elvis Presley.

There was also a man in my so called dream of memories. He was dancing next to the radio and singing. At one point he looked down at me and took my hand.
We where dancing and having so much fun, but soon we got tired, so we went and lied on the couch.

After that part I only remember screaming and darkness. I still don't even know who the man is and what happend.
It bothers me that I don't know and can't remmeber.

It's like a burden that is almost pushing you so far down that you can't even get up.

But I guess the only thing I can do know, is wait.
The doctors told me that I have a tumor in my brain and they can still try and get it out, but parts of it will either grow back or die.
They can't tell jet, but I know they'll try.

My surgery is in 2 days so who knows what I will do until then.

This women keeps coming to me and telling me that I'm her daughter, and some parts of me believe her and other parts just aren't sure.
But at least someone is trying to help me with my memory.

There's also this one guy. He was here a few days ago, I don't know if he'll come back, but it seemed like he would. He was very tall and had eyes to dream for.
But I still can't remember who he is.

The day goes by and I only have to wait another 24 hours for my surgery.
But last night I had another part of that dream. Small parts, like little glitches of memory.
I remember fire, yelling and pain...so much pain.

I don't know if I should tell the women who claims to be my mother about my dreams and if they mean anything, but I think I should wait just until my surgery is over.

Once again the day goes by and I still haven't seen that guy that said he would come visit me, guess he didn't care that much...

It's time for my surgery and they pull my hospital bed into the surgery room. They put a needle in my arm and let the liquid within it flow through my body.
My eyes slowly start to shut as I hear the monitor of my beating heart.

When my eyes went shut I saw all these images formed in a long row, and at the end of the row all the images came to gether to make the final picture.
A man in a red and orange t-shirt. He barely had any hair and he looked quit old, almost in his mid fourtees.

I stared at all the little detail and it finally came to me...he was, my dad.
My dad that died in the fire and saved my life!
I felt this shaking and loud baning noises.
I soon realised that it was my heart almost wanting to rip itself from my chest.

My eyes went open and I saw all the doctors still standing around me.
I was still in the operation room!
They all looked at me for a while and tried to calm me down, but I couldn't help it, my heart just didn't want to slow down.
One of the docters took action and injected a needle into my forearm.
I felt a sudden relaxation and my heart started beating its own beat again.

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