chapter 1

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My life was not as easy as all the other normal teenage girls. I had trust issues.

The reason for that was I grew up being bullied. My friends turned their backs on me and threw me away like a broken toy.

My parents wern't always there for me. My dad died when I was six and my mom works non stop.

I think about my dads death everyday, because everytime I look in the mirror I am left with the horror that happend to me ten years ago.

Ten years ago there was a fire that started in our home. My mom was at work and my dad and I were sleeping on the couch. We both woke up to a sound of cracking and smoke entering our lungs. My dad puched me off the couch because there was a plank above us and it was strarting to break.

My dad saw what was coming and he tried to escape the plank from falling on top of him. But...he was to late. His fate was already decided.

I openend my eyes to see my dad...dead. I screamed in pain of realization that I lost my dad and the fact that my house was falling apart around me.

I was trapped.

Fire started to rise against the walls, I tried to escape its grasp but it cought me. It struk my face like a lightning bolt. The air was thin and I collapsed in the middle of it all.

When I woke up I was in the hospital. My mother was sitting at my side, asleep. She probably spent all night at my side.

When the doctors came in they told me that I had a big impact on my face caused by the fire.

I was scared.

After that I was never the same. That is when all my problems started. People judging me, hurting me...

That is when I started homeschooling.

To be honest, it's kind of boring sitting at my house all day and doing nothing. Homeschooling is easy and I finished the years work early.

So basically I sit and do nothing all day long and wait for my mom to come home.

I decided to ask my mom , when she got back from work, if she knew of  a place where I could help out, it did not matter to me if they paid me, I wanted more of a charity job. Something to keep me "busy"

She mentioned a few things but only one stood out. She mentioned a hospital where I could help out. I don't oporate on them or anything like that, I just try to make the people there not so lonely, I just keep them company.

I very much liked that idea and asked my mother when I could start. She said I could strat whenever I wanted. So I decided to start the next week Monday.

The week went past rather fast and Monday soon arrived. I arranged with the doctors the last week about me wanting to help. They were very happy to hear, not many people volunteered.

I woke up bright and early ready for my day to start. I hoped that the people at the hospital would not get freaked out by my appearance, mainly my face.

When I got there everybody was really nice to me.

I didn't excpect that.

They told me a bit about everyone there but one specially stood out.

It was about a boy that was recently sent to this hospital. He was at a rather big swimming event and he was ready to race, but as he was walking to the starting line he walked to close to the edge of the pool and slipped in a small puddle, he hit his head against the concreat floor and did not stand up.

The doctors are not sure how he got it right but when he hit his head...he lost his sight.

I felt so sorry for him. The doctor also mentioned that he was only seventeen, one year older than me.

The last thing she told me before she left was " oh, and his name is Blake."

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