chapter 22

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The next day Blake and I went to a water park, I didn't really want to go because of all the people, but he said if anyone looked at me that displeased him, then they won't have a very good time and then I won't be the only one with a mark on my face.

It was fun for the first hour or so.

People did stair at my face, but they did not laugh or point at me.

They staired at me because I was with Blake.

I could see what they were thinking just by the expretions on their faces.

Most of them where probably thinking, 'why is that hot guy with that thing' and the other 'awwww they make a cute couple'.

I never thought about it because of people hurting me but, there are actually really nice people in this world, you just have to find them.

Like I said, the day was fun and all until we 'bumped' into Cassandra and Blake's old friend, aka the one who punched me.

When I saw them I knew trouble was coming.

Cassandra went up to Blake and tried to hug him, but he pushed her away before she could even lift up her arms.

"Wow Blake, no need to be rude."

He rolled his eyes and then turned his back towards them, but before he could walk away, his stupid 'so called friend' interfered.

"Your new girlfriend over there has a very soft face, don't ya think?"

Blake turned back and looked at me while raising his eyebrow.

"What?" Blake said irritated

"Oh, you don't know?"

"Don't know what!?" his voice was tens and angry.

"Oh you really are a fool Blake, I should have known, you are to dumb to figure it out."

Blake's eyes narrowed and I could see him get mad.

"Who do you think gave your little rat over there her black eye dumbass?"

As soon as he said that, Blake's eyes widend.

"You did it?!" Blake's voice became more loud and angry.

He moved foward and lifted his fist, ready to strike.

I tried to reach his arm but I was to late, Blake had already hit him.

I heard Cassandra scream the name Erin, I assumed it was his name.

Blake jumped on top of him and started hitting him faster.

I moved foward and reached for his arm so that he would stop hitting Erin.

"Balek STOP!" I shouted

Without thinking about what could happen I grabbed Blake's arm, but he was to strong. My hands slipped off his arm and I fell backwards.

I stood up and tried again, once more I did not think about what could happen.

I reached for his arm but he was to quick.

All I saw was his elbow going straight towards my face.

A split second past and I felt this huge amount of pain in my eye and my body falling towards the ground.

I lifted my head and saw Blake jumping up and running to my aid.

His eyes widen and his face went soft.

"What have I done." I hear him whisper to himself.

He takes his hand and puts it under my head, lifting me up.

He sat on his knees and held me in his arms.

I looked to my left and see Cassandra helping Erin.

"Morgan... I am soooo sorry." Blake whispers.

He hugs me and then helps me to stand back up.

We walk back to his car and ignore all the people that serounded us.

We got in his car and start driving back to the hospital.

"I am sorry Morgan, the day did not go as I hoped."

I looked at him and smiled.

"It's okay Blake, today was...exciting."

I placed my hand on his leg.

He turnes towards me and smiles.

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