The Last Little Memories (chapter 25)

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These last view chapters switch between Blake's point of few and Morgan's point of few so I will tell you on the top of each chapter who's point of few it is.

This chapter is Blake's POF.

She does not remember me...

"No, please...not Morgan too." I whisper to myself.

I already lost my real mother a long time ago, I don't want to lose someone I love...not again.

I walk towards her bed and look in her eyes.

I can see that she is scared...and alone.

'why did it have to be you?'

I reach for her hand but she pulls away quickly.
She moves uncomfortably around in her bed and I pull my hand back to my side.

"Morgan, don't you remeber me? It's...Blake."

She lookes down at her hands and press them together.

"No." She softly replies.

The doctor walks in the room and asks that he wishes to speak with the three of us.

Me, Morgan's mother and Jeffery.

We all walk outside the room and listen to what the doctor has to say.

"I am sorry to say but...Morgan, she..."

I look to my side and see Morgan's mother's (Alice) eyes start to water.

The doctor didn't have to continue talking, because we already knew the horrible fait.

Morgan was gone.

"The operation was fine, it's just. Morgan's brain was already dying when we started the operation. We tried to fix it, but I'm sure you already know that it didn't work."

I turn and look back at Morgan. Her eyes were closed but I knew she was still awake.

"What is really wrong with my daughter?" Alice asked.

I turn back and face him, waiting for his answer.

He sighs before replying.

"We aren't really sure what it is but It's eating her brain, not literary, but it is doing harm. We were to late, we could not save her. But that's not the only problem."

"What do you mean that is not the only problem?" I ask quickly.

"Well, it is also eating away the mental part of her brain, which means that in time she will slowly start to imagen things and see things that aren't really there." He frowns before continuing.

"She will basically slowly start to lose her mind."

Her mother starts to breath faster and tears start to escape from her eyes.

"No...not my baby girl."

Her legs slowly start to give in and she falls to the ground. Her cries grow louder and her tears start rolling down her cheeks faster.

My heart aches not just for her but for the fact that I lost Morgan.

I lost the one thing that kept me going in this whole world.

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