chapter 7

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I run as fast as my legs could carry me. When she said that all my memories returned. All the pain... everything.

I stared at the mirror on the wall and wished I died in the fire. Everything would have been easier that way.

I wipe away my tears and wash my face. I heard the bathroom door slowly opening behind me and see and old lady walk in the room.

"Are you okay?" she asked me in a sweet voice. I knew she was one of the patience because she wore a long blue and white robe and had an air bag next to her which she held in her hand. There was a pipe that went from the air bag to her nose, I assumed she had lung cancer and needed help to breath.

"No...not really, but I am okay now."

She looked at me and gave a little smile, she walked to my side and started rubbing my back.

"Don't listen to other people, they don't know what real beauty is, even if it's standing right in front of them."

Her words left a mark in my heart and my eyes started to slowly swell with water again. I gave her a hug and she tried to comfort me the rest of the day.

I tried to avoide Blake's room the hole day because his 'girlfriend' was still in the room.
I passed his room once or twice that day only to discover their hands intertwined with one another. I did not look at Blake much, only at the girl.

Why me? Why does it always have to be me?

I could not sleep that night, my mind was to busy for me to even close one eye. All I could think about was what my life would have been if I never had this stupid scar and my dad not dying. I also thought about Amelia and of course Blake.

Why am I thinking about him so much? I don't want to. He has a girlfriend for peetsake Morgan, let the kid be happy, he deserves it even if he is a stubborn asshole.

My day once again began with my alarm clock going of with the song :
Unsteady by x Ambassadors.

Why did I even listen to that song in the morning? It is so sad and depressing. I need something more happy, but that has to wait, I'll do it when I get home tonight.

When I walked in the hospital I saw once again Amelia waiting for me with her new teddy that I bought her, but she was not alone.

Next to her was Blake.

What the hell is he doing up so early!? And why is he outside... with Amelia? Was he waiting...for me?

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