chapter 19

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"Who is Morgan?"

He walks forward and takes my hand in his.

"Morgan is the most important person in my life."

He looks down at me and rubs my cheek. Slowly he moves towards my ear and whispers

"You are Morgan Robertson, the girl that stole my heart."

My eyes meet his as he speaks.

He lookes at me and gives a little smile like he always does.

I did not know what to say, I was speechless. For a moment I felt like my head exploded and my heart sank deeper into my chest.

He gaced into my eyes and saw a blue line around my left eye.

He stared deep into it before he narrowed his eyes.

"What happend? Who did this to you?" his voice was angry and his body grew tense.

I look down at the floor.

"I don't know..." my voice went softer as I spoke.

"Please, don't lie to me Morgan."

"I really don't know who did it Blake."

He moves closer to me and I can feel his warm breath against my neck. I look up at him and see a look of consern on his face.

We spoke for I while before I left again. The doctor told me that I should get a bit of fresh air and go for a walk, and so I did.

I walked towards my house and saw this dark aliway. I stood in front of it for a bit and wonder. Something happend to me hear, but I don't know what.
The thought lingerd in my mind as I continued walking down the road.


I stop in my footsteps and turn back to the aliway, I see these images in my head but it does not make any sense.

I also saw people, familiar people. A blond girl with curls and a boy with dark hair.

I stood there in silence and wonder for a while before it struck me.

It was Cassandra and Blake's friend.

They attacked me when I was on my way home.

Why would they...?

These questions wonderd in my mind over and over, but I later

turned back around and went to the hospital.

I could not go home because of the bruse on my head so I had to stay at the hospital for a few more days.

I also have to tell Blake about what the doctor said to me earlier this morning.

I don't want to, but I have to.

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