Chapter 16: Her Dreams

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Connor's POV:
3 Months Later*

Ever since that night Angel and me argued, we've kinda avoided each other. She got closer to Mark, I've grown closer to Kelly, and Kyanna had her baby. It was a boy, Jojo. He favored Damon more than her. She's been pretty busy with him. So has Angel. I went to apologize but a girl Ned Sasha told me want to therapy. She's been there for three months and they said she's shown improvement. I just wonder she'll open up to a complete stranger and not to me. She fell asleep, I went to pee, came back to find her in hysterics.

I don't know what to do. "Connor, you ready?" Called Tyler. He's been even happier since he opened up about his daughter. He was grounded but for four weeks. Maria was allowed over anytime she wants. But only when school wasn't around. Tyler and Terra never got back together. He's too obsessed with Kyanna's friend, Michelle. She was also a vampire. He did have a crush on Kyanna but she told him straight. He was heart broken but he picked himself up.

They've been dating for 5 weeks since Kyanna introduced them to each other. "Yeah I'm coming Tyler." I yelled back. I was supposed to be meeting Kelly at the doctor to determine the gender of our baby. I gave up saying it wasn't mine since Angel wouldn't talk to me. Kelly wanted to wait until the birth to know the gender but curiosity got the best of her. I ran downstairs to Tyler and we got in the car. Our clan has grown and pretty soon I was gonna have a lot of responsibilities.

I wasn't ready but my dad was sure I could handle it. I started back fucking different girls between classes. I fucked them but all I could think about was Angel. She means so much to me and now that I know I'm her mate, I know I mean a lot to her. She just doesn't want to say anything. Even though we have classes together and we sit next to each other, we never spoke a word or looked at each other. It hurt me as mush as it hurt her. Since I'm her mate, I felt some of her emotions.

She's always gone after class to her therapy sessions. Since she's improving, she's gonna be released soon. "Dude, you good?" Tyler asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded. "You've quiet lately. Are you finally thinking about coming out the closet?" He joked. "Shut up. I just have a lot on my mind." I said. "Angel?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed. "Bro, don't worry. She'll come back around. Just give her some time." He said. "She's had three months. How much time she need?" I asked. He shook his head. "Females are complicated man. Just let her talk when she's ready."

He said, as he pulled up to the hospital. I got up and searched for her room. I went up the elevator and got seductive stares from old ladies and one old man. Hurry uuuuuuuup fucking elevator. The doors opened and I ran out. I went to her room to see Kelly and her parents in the room with her. "Oh baby. There you are." She said. Her mom came over and hugged me. She licked my ear. Do something. I don't even have any energy left in me. I walked over to Kelly. The doctor looked at me. "This is the baby's father?" He asked. I nodded. "We'll good. Now let's see here....congratulations. Its a boy." He said. Everyone's having boys.

"That's great Kelly." I said, faking enthusiasm. I hugged her. I really didn't any energy in me. I was too tired. We talked for a bit then went home. I drove her car. "Connor, you alright?" Kelly asked. I nodded. "You've been quiet lately." She said. "I have a lot on my mind." I said. "Like that bitch Angel?" She asked. I gripped the steering wheel tighter so I wouldn't punch the shit out of her. "No Kelly. I'm next in line to take over this clan. Angel and YOU are far from my mind." I said, icily.

She was quiet after that. I looked over to see her crying. I pulled over. "Kelly, what's wrong?" I asked. "I'm far from your mind Connor?" She asked, quietly. "Kelly-" she cut me off. "Just drive home Connor. Drive so I can go home." She yelled. You know what? Fuck this. I hot out the car and walked. "Where at you going?" She asked. "Home. Drive yourself." I said. I transformed and flew off. Uggggghhh God. My life is complicated. I flew to the clearing where Angel got attacked. I stayed there and sat near a tree.

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