Chapter 10: Friends

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Connor's POV:

I woke up to my mom calling me. "Connor? Wake up!! Time for school." She called. I groaned and sat up. I checked my phone. I had a lot of text messages from Kelly. Girl leave me alone. I got back together with her and she hasn't let me breathe my own air. I got up, took my shower and got dressed. I walked downstairs to see the whole clan. They greeted me. My dad wanted me check the blood count. I counted and everything was in order. Since the wolf incident, he's been on edge lately. He makes double sure everything was in order before he ever leaves the house.

I drove me, Tyler and Kacey to school.  I know her and Angel been talking each other every day. Kacey went crazy not talking to her. They texted and FaceTimed but it wasn't enough for her. I walked in and got my breakfast. I dranked a bag of blood before I left but I was still hungry. I smelled vanilla. Angel's close. I didn't talk to her the whole time her and Kacey were together. I walked in the hall and bumped into Angel. We stared at each other. Fuck man. No matter how much I hate her, I still love her. Her beautiful brown eyes burned into mine. Someone spilled juice on her so she ran.

I walked after her. I wanted to talk yo her. "Baby? There you are Connor." Said a voice. I turned to see Kelly. She kissed me and held my hand. I locked my lips. Hold the hell on. Is this....? SHE WAS SUCKING DICK!!!! I instantly felt sick and ran to the bathroom and threw up. FUCKING BITCH!!! I walked out to see her. "What's wrong?" She asked. I didn't respond. She grabbed my hand. Should I even be holding her hand? I wouldn't. I then saw Angel talking to Kacey and Tyler.

Then her sister showed up. I noticed Kyanna's stomach. She's pregnant? Wonder what love would like pregnant. I imagined what Angel would look like pregnant. It made me smile. Two more people showed up. Sarah and some dude. I found out his name was Mark They wanted Angel to audition for a musical. She said yes. At first she didn't want to but now that she's seen Mark, she wants in. My bad mood came back. We went to our class. It went by fast. I went to my next one. Turns out I have Mark in my class. "Hey man. You're a friend of Angel's right?" He asked. I ignored him but he asked again.

"I used to be." I said. "Well is she dating anyone?" He asked. I looked at him. Son of a bitch. Get the fuck outta here. "I think so. Why?" I asked. "Just wondering." He said and walked away. I shook my head. "Connor, stack these boxes. They're full of props. And be careful. Some of them are glass." The teacher said, as she walked out to smoke. I then smelt vanilla. Oh God. Here we go. Angel and Mark rehearsed their lines. The script said they had to kiss. It pissed me off. I walked off to sketch my drawings. I love to draw. Its my passion. Angel must've noticed because she came over.

We talked for awhile. We became friends. I told her we we're gonna spend the weekend together. After that, I continued stacking boxes. She was singing some song and it was beautiful. I don't know the song but the lyrics were nice. I was gonna look it up after school.  The rest of the time Mark flirted with her but she was oblivious to it. Then we walked to our next class. Mark asked her out and wanted to pick her up Saturday. It pissed me off. She said she didn't want to hurt his feelings. She's too sweet of a person.

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