Chapter 4: A Goddess

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Connor's POV:

I woke to my phone's alarm clock. On God. I rolled over to turn it off and rolled back over. It rung again. I grunted and turned it off. It ringed again. "Ya know there's a reason alarm clocks exist. To wake people like you up." Said Kacey. I rolled over to see standing in my doorway brushing her teeth. I rolled my eyes. "I  know. But I like my sleep." I said. She walked away. "CONNOR! GET UP FOR SCHOOL!" Mom called. I groaned and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and got up. I took my shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed.

I went downstairs to see my dad and mom. "Morning Connor. How'd you sleep?" My dad asked. "Eh, all right." I said. "Oh so you're not tired?" Hr asked. "I am still a little tired." I said. "Not surprised since you three went to the border last night." He said. I looked up at him. Oh God he knows. "Dad it was just a quick run. Besides we didn't go past it." Tyler said. "I don't care. Stay away from it. Those wolves are to not be trusted." He said, as he got up and left.

"Mom, you told him?" Kacey asked. "I didn't tell him. One of the guards saw us at the border and told him. You guys are lucky. He went easy on you." She said. I shook my head. We went outside, got in the car, and went to school. Magical beings go to their schools and stay there. We don't interact with human schools. Unless the Magic Council tells us otherwise. "Man, I can't wait to do my prank on the principal's bitch ass. Its gonna be epic." Tyler said.

"Dude, you're 18 years old, still doing pranks." I said. "So, you're never to old to have fun. Unless its sex, then you should just throw in the towel." He said. I looked over at Kacey. "Kacey, what's up?" I asked. "I heard the guys say that they're going hunting today. Its been a while since I last hunted for myself. I'm not a baby anymore." She said. "Kacey, you're the youngest. Of course Dad and them at gonna treat you like a baby." I said. The car rumbled. She got out and slammed the door. "You lucky my door didn't break." Tyler yelled after her. She stuck her middle finger up.

She's always hated being the baby. Its me, then Tyler, then her. She's a girl and the youngest. We just want to protect her. She hates it though. When she hit double digits, she decided she no longer wanted to be treated like a baby. At first she liked it, now she says she feels like we're smothering her. I walked to my classes. I looked around and was greeted by everyone. Yeah, I was pretty popular. All three of us are. Our Blood Clan is one of the most powerful. We never stray from each other, we're always there for each other, and we never have secrets. It help build trust between us.

But some things are best kept hidden. We do have secrets. Personal ones. I can read minds so I know everyone's. Even my parents. My mom and dad got into a really bad argument one day and he stepped out on her. This was back when I was 8. He still hasn't told her. She once got drunk and kissed his brother. Kacey once kissed a girl. On the lips. She wasn't drunk or anything she just did it. She's bi but she keeps it a secret. Tyler got a girl pregnant but the girl moved away so he was in the clear. He Skype's with her sometimes to see his daughter.

We all have secrets. "Connor?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by a girl walking up to me. "Yeah?" I asked. "I was wondering if you were available right now. Maybe I can show you a few tricks up my sleeve." She said. I shrugged an followed her. Good thing magical beings stay in their own schools. Otherwise Kelly would be pissed. But she can't be mad at me. She does it as much I do. I don't think I'm a bad person for doing it. I'm just getting even. She sleeps with different guys, I sleep with different girls.

She wanted to play games so I'm playing too. Don't see a problem with it. If she stops, I'll stop. Then our relationship can back on track. Back then, it was just me. Then it became me, and four other guys. Then it turned into me and every other guy. I felt my dick twitch and I exploded on her face. "Wow, you must really like me." She said, smiling. Nope. I just wanted my dick sucked. All these girls throw themselves at me and have no self respect for themselves. So fuck it, I take what I can. I walked out the janitor's closet and to class. "Wait, what about me?" She asked. "What about you?" I asked.

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