Chapter 6: Lovely

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Connor's POV:

I woke up to someone touching me. I opened my eyes to see Kelly staring at me. I jumped back. "Girl what the hell you doing?!" I yelled. "Watching you sleep. You looked so adorable." She said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not adorable. Why are you here?" I asked. "I needed to talk to you, since we didn't do it two days ago." She said. Oh God. She opened her mouth but Kacey came in. "Yo Connor. Dad wants to have breakfast with Angel. Get ready." She said and closed the door. My heart raced. I smiled but quickly walked away so Kelly wouldn't see it. "Connor?" She called.

Wipe the smile off dumbass. I'm trying. "Connor?" She called again. I slowly turned to her. "What?" I asked. She gasped. "You like her don't you?" She asked, softly. My eyes widened. "What? Come on. Of course not." I lied. "Yes you do Connor!!" She yelled, throwin a lamp at me. I dodged it. "Why would I like her? Why would I like a girl I just met?" I asked. "Connor, I saw how you looked at her last night." She said.

"Yeah, because if she trusts me, then we have an easier chance of killing her." I said. *Growls* I'm not really gonna kill her. I'm gonna find us a way to get to her. 'You sure?" She asked. "Yes. Kelly I love you and you only baby." I said holding her hands. Despite my sudden love for Angel. She stared at me. "Okay. I don't trust her. She may seem innocent at first but that's how they get you." She said and walked out. "Whoo." I said and took my shower and changed. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

I saw everyone huddled in the living room. "Dad?" I called to him. He turned to me. "Son, there you are. Look, I'm gonna give Angel a chance because she really does seem harmless. We're going to have breakfast with her." He said. I nodded. I looked over and saw her talking to Kacey. That's weird. Kacey hates her. Just then we all heard singing. We ran to the dining room and saw Angel sitting at the table singing a song. It was lovely.

We complimented her on her singing. She said she wasn't allowed to. Turns out there was a lot of thinhs she wasn't allowed to do. We sat down and ate. She didn't. Kelly commented saying she could miss a few meals. I glared at her. *GROWLS* Easy Scott. In time, I'm gonna break up with her. We talked about Angel but she just sat there quietly. It was mean how Tyler and Kelly talked about her. Well Kelly. Tyler just mentioned how she wouldn't eat.

Kacey then said how she was crying. I looked at her. She was crying. I felt bad for my love. She shouldn't have to take this. Kacey for up and took her to the living room. I looked at Tyler and Kelly. "Are you guys trying to piss off thus hybrid?" I said. "What do you mean?" Kelly asked. "Yeah. Kelly was the one laying into her. I just talked about how she wouldn't eat." Tyler said. "No Connor's right. You two keep this up, she'll be pissed. Who knows what she'll do. She's powerful. She's a hybrid. We need to get her on our side. So Kelly, no more comments on her." My dad said as we got up to go get her.

We walked in the living room to see her crying on Kacey. She then told her all about herself. Angel almost got raped? God, I know she's gorgeous but it should not go that far. Her parents divorced and made it hell for her. I felt bad for her. And now we've kidnapped her for her blood. I don't want it anymore. She showed us her tails and powers. We went outside to see it in action. She could actually hold her breath really long. She showed us her more ring. Its powerful. Then Kelly wanted to try her moon ring.

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