Say goodbye

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Kol grabbed my arm and.dragged me down the stairs. As he dud this I managed to hit my head in the reeling. Nothing bad though, nearly a scratch.

Once we reached the downstairs he threw me into a wall. "You really think you could get away from me?! You think sending my own sister to help you would work?!" Oh my GOD! Rebecca! Where is she? "I know all her weaknesses" he said.

"Where is Rebecca?" I asked him. Surely he wouldn't kill his own sister, and even if he would he would need a white oak stake which doesn't exist anymore.

"You want to see her?" he asked me and I nodded. He once again grabbed my arms and hd them behind my back as if I were a. criminal. He pulled me into the kitchen where Rebecca was supposed to be. Sure enough, Rebecca was there, her head laying in a pile of its own blood. I took in the place. Pieces of chairs were laying around. The whole house looked trashed. My heart broke for Becca, but I knew she would be alright. Kol pushed me up to stand and pushed me into the wall. His hand was around my neck making it hard to breath. "Im going to kill you, just like I killed Mia" He said. Another one of his smirks were plastered onto his stupid face. "Remember that? Having to watch as I killed your best friend?"

"You can't kill me" I breathed out. His hand tightened and my hands caught onto his as I tried to pry his fingers off of my neck. My feet kicking and trashing around trying to kick him in the privat parts to get him off. His hand tightened even more but I finally managed to kick him and he fell to floor, groaning in pain. I hurriedly ran into the living room grabbing the house phone and dialing 911.

"Hello 911 how can I help you?" the lady voice on the phone asked.

"Yeah Hello? I would like to report a break in. Please he's.trying t---" I tried to answer but someone grabbed my foot and pulled me towards them. I screamed for help, even though I knew no-one would come. Suddenly I heard a clash, and Kol's hand let go. I looked up to find Rebecca staring down at me. There was broken glass from a crushed vase on the floor.

"Come on, we need to get cover" she said and took my hand and together we ran up the stairs and in to her room this time. Again we locked the door, and pulled a dresser infront of it. Just to be sure we even hid inside her walk-in closet after we locked that door as well.

30 minutes went and the banging continued. There was a loud sound and footsteps coming nearer. "Girls... Where are you? I won't hurt you... I promise" said a taunting voice. "Maybe you're in here..?" A bang on the door sounded as if someone threw themself at the door. Again the banging had started and we were holding onto eachother for dear life.

"You promise?" I asked her.

"I promise" she answered finishing.

"In exactly one week" I said to her. She nodded and breathed out. I was scared. We both were. There was.a rustling in the lock, the doorknob twisted and the door opened.

"I found the key" Kol said in a taunting voice. He was mocking me. He brought a gun infront if him and pointed it a Becca.who gave out a startled cry. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten...Eleven... Twelve...

I counted every shot he shot at her. I screamed for him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. How could someone be so brutal? Specially when it comes to their own sister...

Kol stalked forward and grabbed me by my hair. He dragged me out of the walk-in closet and pushed me to my feet. "And now, its your turn" he said. He grabbed behind him and brought a wooden stake forward. "Say goodbye" he said and plunged the stake straight through my chest... twice...

I could feel the wind get knocked out of me and I couldn't breath. I could hear Niklaus entering the house. My vision became blurred as tears clouded my eyes. It hurt a lot. I don't even get to know if Niklaus forgives me. I will never know. Kol left the stake in and said.two last words to me; "say goodbye" he walked over to the window and jumped. He was gone just as I soon would be. I closed my eyes but someone shook me, making me instantly open my eyes. I was then met with the beautiful eyes of the man I love. "Amelie!" he shouted. "Don't leave me please" he pleaded me. From what I could hear he was on the verge of crying.

"I love you" I whispered. It was basically all I could muster. "I'm so sorry. For everything"

"Don't be love, don't be. I love you too" and he gave me one last kiss on the lips, and I gave in to the darknes...



Guys this is the end of this book.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and this book.

I want to thank you so much for your support and for staying with me and reading. I love you guys so much and thank you.

So... for one last time...




Thank you

I love you


Amelie Salvatore (TVD-story...)Where stories live. Discover now