It's been a year since then.

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There is something about depression. It's something you can get when you're feeling down, and maybe from the same reason as me. My best friend died. This has happened before. In the 60's I couldn't stand being at the place where my best friend had died. Last time I ended up turning off my emotions, I left, and I became a cold-hearted killer. I'm still a little cold-hearted towards some people (I don't have a heart), and I'm still a killer, but I've improved a lot.

Rebecca and Niklaus have kept an eye on me. I know Rebecca is sad as well, she just don't want to show it. It's been a year. A year I've used to get over it, worked with myself and not turn back to what I once was before. I'ts been hard, but I've managed. Me, Nik, and Becca left town after Katherine died. I, once again, couldn't take being where my best friend had died. But we decided that enough is enough, and now we're driving the car, back to Mystic Falls. Apparantly someone who was supposed to be dead, had come back to life, and the peron had a connection to the Mikaelsons.


"Katherine would have wanted you to move on" Becca said walking next to me. "So keep yout head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling because life's a beautiful thing, and there's so much to smile about". 

I looked at her in adoration "Who was that?" i asked her.

"Marilyn Monroe" she said with a shrug on her shoulders. I looked at her in a are-you-serious kinda way. 

"What?" she asked, and I just shook my head. Becca have become weirder weirder. Nik and I, we're close. We have even talked about maybe adopting a child. Nik seemed really into it actually.

As we settled down into the Mikaelson Mansion I got a text from Stefan.

From Stefan:

Have you arrived yet?

To Stefan:

Yup, come over when you want. Just settling in.

Closing my phone, and sitting down on the sofa. Nik sat down next to me and started kissing my neck. "Mmm, not now" I told him pushing him away. If we were having visitors I couldn't have him eating my neck off. And at that moment, the doorbell rung. Walking towards the door and opening I was greeted with the familiar face of Stefan. "Hey, come in" I said and opened the door further.

"Hi" he greeted hugging me. "There's something you need to know. Remember that Jeremy killed Kol?" he asked us. We nodded. Becca had let me in on everything I've missed through the years. Including the fact that Jeremy killed Kol. "Apparantly a witch has brought him back to life".

"What?" I asked totally confused. Kol's still alive?

"Knock knock" we heard from the door. As we all turned we saw that one person standing in the doorway. "Missed me?"


Author's note:

Hey! I updated again! Yey!... So, did you like it?  I hope you did. 

I'm really sorry for any spelling mistakes.

Thank you for reading my book :)

Also, I know that not many of you read this but, I would be really happy if you gave my other book a chance, I would really appreciate it. :)

Guys! I've reached over 500 votes!

I love you guys! <3






Amelie Salvatore (TVD-story...)Where stories live. Discover now