Encrypted call?

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Niklaus' POV.

I groaned out in pain, as my fist connected with the desk. It's been weeks, and nothing. We had a lead in New York, but eperantly there was nothing there. None of my contacts has found anything. They checked everywhere. Nothing.

"We have checked everywhere. There's no sign of either her or Silas in New York" Stefan said. God, I wantedto wrap my fingers around his neck, and squeeze.

"Ya, well they have to be somewhere, Sherlock. No-one vanishes in thin air. We just need to find them" I told him.

"Everyone has been looking. If they see anything, they'll be sure to tell us. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to do more digging" Stefan said, walking out of the room. he seemed to really know what could tick me of in a second.

Walking around the desk, and to the wall, I stared at the picture. A black and white picture of Amelie and me back in the 60's. The picture wasn't very big, but it still meant a lot. We were standing in a sea of flowers, in every colour. I was standing with my arm draped over her shoulders looking down at her, with a loving grin on my face, as she was smiling into the camera. This picture makes me look weak and mushy, but I still love it. Even now, when I'm startingto loose hope, it made ne smile.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off. I hurriedly picked up, hoping.that it would be good news. Hoping that they had found Amelie.

After i had said my hello, there was a silence before a voice finally talked back.

"Sending people, vampires and werewolves, to be exact, after me. After what I have understood, that's quite a downfall for you" I was trying to figure out the voice. Stefan. I know it's not Stefan, which means It's Silas. "You're looking at the wrong place. Why would I bring her to New York, huh? A place where I understand, I would most likely be found?" he said, as his voice grew stronger and louder at the end.

The phone suddenly hung up, assuming he did it I paced around the room. There were so many questions running throughmy head. Why did he take Amelie? Where is he hiding her? Is she safe? Will she ever be safe? Will we ever get her back?


Author's note:

So sorry that it took me so long to update. I have a very busy schedual. I haven't really had my vacation from school that long so... anyway, I wanted to thank you for reading my book, voting and commenting.

I love you all so much! <3


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