To Be A Hero...

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Kara's POV

As Winn and I exited the elevator that dropped us off on our floor, I saw (Y/n) leave Ms. Grant's office with a flushed face. I decided to go speak to him considering Ms. Grant looked busy and probably didn't need me. "Hey, what's your deal, what happened in there?" I asked. (Y/n) looked at me as if I was completely insane. "Are you kidding me?" He exclaimed. "I watched you free fall of the side of a building only to not only zip back up, but wave. at. me on the way back up." He said crazily. " Warn me next time, Kara. I mean that." When he was finally done it took everything I had not to cackle at his reaction, and he must've sensed that. "Don't. You. Dare. Danvers." I threw my hands up in defense as I made my way back to my desk.

Later at my apartment, me, (Y/n), and Winn were trying to find a good super suit for me. Let's just say I wasn't very fond of the first one. "So how is it huh? How's it fit?" Winn shouted. I came walking out of my room. "I'm not flying around saving people in this thing. I-I wouldn't even wear it to the beach. Where's my cape?" I looked to (Y/n), with him looking back. "Yeah, I uhm...I agree, but you should keep it. For...back up reasons." I gave him the best glare I could while feeling embarrassed. "So, about that cape..." he concluded. Winn stuffed more food in his mouth, so did (Y/n). "Capes are lame! You can tell your cousin I said so. Actually nev-never do that." Winn said.

I came out with a different design on feeling actually good about this one. Both of the boys were sitting on the couch and stood up as I made my way in the living room. "Ahem." I stuck my arm out for effect, then realized I forgot my glasses. After taking them off a weird look crossed (Y/n)'s face. But I decided to ignore it for now. "Kara, you look really pretty without your glasses.." Winn whispered. "Winn.." I warned to keep him on track, but out of the corner of my eye I saw (Y/n) roll his  eyes. "Right. Right." He said, seemingly snapping out of his trance. "So, uh to be a superhero, you need a crime," Winn started. "I hacked into the NCPD. There's a car chase on the 112 freeway." He concluded. I mulled that over. Huh. "I can do a car chase." Let's hope so, shall we?  "Go get em', Supergirl. You got this." (Y/n) pitched.

As I was chasing the cars, everything seemed to be going fine, until I flew into a mound of dirt... Not one of my finest moments. Bite me.

I came walking out of my room, this time with a cape, (Y/n) and Winn had an argument over it and (Y/n) won, not only with fear and intimidation, but with science. "A cape aids with aerodynamics, I should've thought of that." Winn gave in. "And finally he sees reason!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "West national city bank reporting a 432 6th and spring. Suspects are armed and dangerous." Winn donned a confused and fearful look. "You uh, you sure you bulletproof?" He inquired. "Hope so!" I deeply exhaled with a smile.

As I arrived at the bank, the men robbing it were letting it rain bullets, but luckily, they weren't doing any harm to me. Once I got close enough, I grabbed one man's wrist and twisted it, twisting him as well, and then threw a right hook to the other guy. Easy peasy.

"Alright, the new cape is made from a structured polymer composite. It'll be much sturdier than the last one." (Y/n) said. "And this one has the 'S' for super, just like your cousin." Breathed Winn. "It's not an 'S'," I admitted. " it's my family's coat of arms, The house of El." I finished. "Four-alarm fire at gates and igle." Both (Y/n) and Winn looked to me. " I'm assuming you can't catch on fire." (Y/n) commented.

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