To Mend The Broken...

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                              Alex's POV
The look on Kara's face made my heart ache. It made me feel like I'd made a mistake in telling her what transpired between Jörvintir and I. She looked as if she was on the verge of tears. She scrunched her face up in the way that she does when she's upset. She looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please tell me there's a way I can fix this. He's my best friend. I can't lose him. Please." I opened and closed my mouth, speechless.

She read my expression and hung her head. "You know...when he first told me...when he explained things, I concluded that he was in love with me, but then....the way he corrected made it seem convincing. That his feelings for me really were platonic. I know now. I mean, I don't mind....I guess. It was just all too much." She looked at me again, with sad eyes. "Did you know that Y/n could sense other people's emotions?" She gave a bitter laugh and a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "He mistook my apprehension for fear, and...he was so...scared. He was terrified of the idea that I could possibly have been afraid of him. But he managed to mask it as anger."

She paused as if thinking back on something, connecting the dots. "That's when I started to see the signs, now that I think about it. His personalities clashing, creating something sweet yet cold. He was trying to be understanding and gentle, but the other half of him...was spiteful, accusatory." Her bottom lip trembled. "All of this started because of me. He's like this because of me. Because I couldn't handle him confessing to me." I hugged her close. "I want to fix it, Alex. Before it's too late." I nodded my head. "And you won't be alone. We just need to give him space. He's so angry right now and I don't want him to hurt you. I swear, we'll fix this."

I don't know if I was trying to convince her or myself.

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