Q And A pt.2

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                              (Y/n)'s POV
I was headed home. Walking. I didn't have a ride. I was on my block, and as I got closer I saw eggs pelted on my house. 'Are you serious? People are such fucking children.' I barely registered a car parked a ways from my house. That is, until the car roared to life, of course. The tires screeched in protest as the car came barreling toward me.

I did what any logical person would: I stood there. I didn't know who the fuck this was, but they'd messed with the wrong person—Er? Jötun? I don't know. I did what did 15 years ago. I reached deep inside myself for that well of emotion. Once I found it, I broke it open like a goddamn piggy bank. My entire body lit up like a Christmas tree. I planted my hands on the hood of the car, and it came to an immediate stop. "You're gonna have to try a lot harder than a hit and run to kill me, buddy!"

The car smoked and whoever was in the car climbed out. 5 people got out. Mark, Sean, Emilio, his brother Fernando, and Castor. They all looked pretty pissed as they stood in front of me. 'Watch yourself. They're armed.' 'All five of them?' 'Just Emilio and Castor.' 'The biggest pricks of the group. Alright.'

I smiled at them and spread my arms letting the glow fade away. "There was a party and you didn't tell me? I'm hurt. #SadFace #NotCoolBro." Castor spit at the ground as he took a step forward. "If I'd had known you were a freak, I would've busted your ass a long time ago." I rolled my eyes. "If I'd had known you were a racist piece of shit, I would have trashed you a long time ago." Fernando eyes me curiously. "How did we not know about this? You look so normal." "That's what's repulsive about them. They can blend in." Emilio scowled at me. I shrugged my shoulders, choosing to ignore Emilio and focus on his brother. "I just found out too. You're not the only one whose surprised." Mark's eyes widened a fraction. "You mean to tell me you just found out? You've been alive for 22 years, (Y/n). How did you not know?" I shrugged again. "My mind was wiped."

Castors face grew red. "Bullshit! You knew! You sniveling. Fucking. Freak." I grew angry at this. Frost spread out against the concrete. "You wanna see a freak!? I'll show you a fucking freak you waste of goddamn space." I paused and smiled. "You know, I never really liked you. I think I might almost enjoy beating you within an inch of your life." I said it so casually, they all sent out a wave of fear.

I was hoping that if I scared them enough, I wouldn't have to hurt them. But, it doesn't seem like that plan's gonna work. Time for plan B. 'Hey Unc, can I shapeshift?' 'No.' Shit. Plan C it was then. 'Jörvintir, you must be careful. You might hurt them.' 'That was the plan, o' great one.' I put on the coldest most disturbing smile I could manage. I lit up my hands. "Party time, boys!"

As I had said that, Mark pulls a bat from his car. 'You said he was unarmed.' 'He was. Not only did he reach in to his vehicle to retrieve it, but....I also couldn't sense it.' 'Why not? Can you not sense metal?' 'I can. It's how I saw the switch blades the other two brought. But....his bat is mixed with something else, making it hard to pick up on.' 'Tell you what: We beat the shit out these wannabe thugs, and then see what that bat's made out of?' 'Deal.'

"That's quite the ice patch you made there, bud." I didn't take my eyes off of them. "So it seems. What are you going to do about it?" I asked with genuine curiosity. "That's it! I'm beating this bastards head in!" With a quick flick of his wrist, Castor pulled out his switch blade. "I'm gonna gut you like a fish, and dissect you." I frowned at that. "Really? That's all you got? Didn't think you were smart enough for that kind stuff. Not only that but, like, have you nothing better to do than to poke around in my entrails and shit? That's fuckn' lame." I readied my fists. The rest of the boys ran, while Castor stayed put. "Aw, really? I was just gearing up for some fun!"

Castor looked behind him upon hearing receding footsteps. "Really, guys?!" He turned back towards me. "Pussies." He muttered. He flourished his blade. "Let's dance, bitch." 'The blade...it's laced with something.' 'Really? How can you tell?' 'Inhale. Deeply.' I did. Whatever it was smelled sour. 'Some type of poison?' 'I'm not exactly sure. But whatever it is, it's corrosive. Don't let it touch you.' 'How can you tell that it's corrosive?' I inhaled again.

This time the scent alone agitated my nose, and the closer he got, it started to affect my eyes as well. "Can your freaky ass nose smell that? Don't worry it'll only hurt for a moment." He made a straight jab that would've punctured me. I caught his wrist in my hands and twisted. "Gyaaah!" He yelped in pain.

I held his right wrist in my left hand. I then used my right hand and placed it on his left shoulder. I gripped his shoulder in my hand and turned and forced him on the ground. With his wrist still in my hand, I placed my left knee on his sternum. It started to rain.

I was so angry that a freezing cold atmosphere surrounded me like a force field. As the rain started to fall, it also passed through that sun-zero field. And as it did, it turned to pellets of ice. It was like a hail storm. He looked at me in terror as the hail pelted him. "W-What the fuck are you?" I used my right hand to hold his neck in a firm grip. Not enough to asphyxiate him, but enough to instill fear. "I'm a freak, remember? Or did you forget, even with the glowing hands?"

Tears started to form in his eyes. I scoffed at him. "Enough with the scared act. Don't pretend you didn't bring this on yourself. You call us monsters and yet here you are trying to harm me. And for what reason? Because you found out I wasn't human? How small minded could you be? You humans do fucked up shit to us and then try and play the victim when we retaliate. What does that say about you? Here I am minding my own fucking business, and you tried to run me over! Look at your car! What if you died as I stopped it? Then what? I'll tell you what: You'd be fucking dead. Dead because you decided it was okay to go out and harm or even potentially kill me because I'm not from earth. I mean, get a hold of yourself. How stupid do you look?"

I released him and stood up. "Y-You're not gonna hurt me? After what I tried to do?" I sighed as I threw my hands up in exasperation. "No! What did I just say? What would I look like harming you just because you're misguided?" He looked stupefied. "M-Misguided? I tried to kill you!" I shook my head. "Well then you're very misguided. Either way, I'm not going to hurt you. I just won't do it. I want to use these abilities to help. Not harm." I turned away to go home. "Wait! I have so many questions!" I faced him. "Ok...go on."

He stood up. "You say you're not bad. What about the aliens that harm people just because they can?"

"Well clearly something needs to be done there. But we're not all bad. Some of us...some of us come from deep shit. Some of our homes have been ravaged by war. Bloodshed. Violence. It's different on earth. We came here to be safe, not to be...targeted for our differences."

"Okay, smart ass, and what about Supergirl and Superman? How long do you think it would take them to decide they're tired of helping? Till they decide they want to conquer instead of help?"

"They...lost their home. Just like I did. They fight for earth because they had people who looked out for them and took them in. They fight for this planet because they call it home. They want to save it from whatever may come because they...they see so much in humanity. They have hope in you. They want to keep you safe. All of you. Even the xenophobes."

"You said you lost your home? How?" I froze at that. "That...I'm not ready to tell. Maybe some other time. But right now, you need to go home." He opened his mouth to protest but I held up my hand to silence him. "Get the hell outta here. If I see you again. I'll answer more questions." With that he scampered off into the night. I casted a glance to the wrecked car. 'If I were to..let's say...throw something into space. How hard would I need to throw it so that it won't come back down?' 'If you're suggesting what I think you are, then you would need to apply 36,000 N of force. Can you do that?' 'Can I? Watch this shit.'

I walk up to the car a heft it up. 'Ouuuuu, shits light.' I tighten my grip on it and begin to spin. I spin about 5 times before using my strength to H A U L that bitch into space. I watch it's form quickly disappear until I see nothing. 'What do you think of that, Unc?' 'Hm. I've seen better. You applied 57,000 N of force. Well done.' 'Damn straight well done!' "I'm a fuckn' Jötun, bitch! That's how we do it!" And that's enough of that. I'm tired. 'Grab the bat.' 'Right!'

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