Seeing her

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                        Y/n's POV
As Mark and I pulled into my jobs parking lot, I couldn't help but notice a woman, about 5'7 with blonde hair in a yellow dress. I continue to stare at the figure until I notice it's....Kara? But what was she doing outside? Shouldn't she be *inside*?

All of the questions inside my head start to make my head spin. I don't even notice I've told mark good bye and started making my way towards Kara. That is, until I hear the sound of tires screeching on concrete. As I snap my head up I smack into someone, and we both hit the ground with a loud and noticeable thud. "Fuckkkk." I think. " What the actual fuck?!" I scream internally.

"Hey, Y/n, long time no see, huh?" I hear an angelic voice speak, clearly in pain. My eyes shoot below me to behold, Kara crushed under my eyes widened and I realized I was crushing her. "Oh, my god!" I shouted. I frantically got up brushed off imaginary dust and extended my hand out to her. She took it, but as soon as she did I felt a shock go up my spine, but I didn't let go. I hoisted her up and helped her gather her things off of the floor. I kept glancing hesitantly at her, expecting her to get angry, but the anger never came.

Instead she smiled brightly at me making my knees wobble. I stared back at her, awestruck. "How could any human being be this beautiful?" I thought. What snapped me out of my daze was her worried expression. "Hi Kara" I managed. She smiled again. "Hey, Y/n, Nice to see you." She then suddenly gripped my arm causing me to jump from unexpected and sudden contact. "Come on, I've been waiting for you to get here. Let's hurry and get inside before Ms.Grant shows up." I nodded absentmindedly, following her in a lovesick daze.

I was currently sitting at my desk a ways away from Kara, somewhere away from Winn, and god knows what direction from *James* god, I really dislike that guy. Something seemed off about him. "Hey I'm James Olsen, and I worked with super man not to mention he's also my close friend." I thought in imitation . I even had a theory that Kara may be falling for him.
As the thought bounced around in my mind the only words I could think of were, "I better step up my game." I didn't realize those words were said aloud until someone asked, "And what exactly are you talking about?" They questioned.

The voice caused me to break my gaze from wherever it was. My eyes slowly refocused as I looked into the face of the speaker. I then saw Kara with a worried expression on her face. That worried expression turned to a apologetic look. The look on my face wasn't pleasing, so I changed it to mirror what I was feeling inside. A big dopey smile. Her apologetic look mirrored my smile after a beat, and she smiled right at me.

So, without speaking I stood up and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. "I've been playing a game I suck at, that's all." I froze in place for a moment and realized how close we were. Somehow I could sense that Winn was on his way towards us, so I unlatched from Kara and turned towards my seat. As I sat down I caught a glimpse of her reaction to our hug. "Contentment?" You thought. Just as I was about to question it, Winn walked over to Kara and asked if she could hang out. Which I already knew he was actually asking her out. But, to my surprise she responded with, "Sorry Winn, I've already got plans. I've got a date tonight!" The only thought I had was "What? I missed my chance?? Damnit!" I stared ruefully at Winn, but looked away, because I noticed that Kara had gotten to him too. I simply smiled and started doing my work, completing documents from yesterday on the desktop. I heard the loud ding of the elevator. "Cathrine Grant is on the scene.." I thought. Of course, Kara being her loyal assistant handed the woman her latte. The catch? It was supposed to be a hot latte, not cold.
Now, Ms. Grant is a wonderful woman, really. It's just she has no respect for anyone's feelings. Especially Kara's and that, of all things irritated me. "Kara is your *loyal* assistant, show her *some* respect for crying out loud!" I thought angrily. Just as I finished that thought, the latte(that Kara paid for with her own money, mind you)went into the garbage. I had half a mind to say something to Ms. Grant about this but, I kinda wanna keep my job. So, I remained seated. Kara exited Ms. Grants office and asked if I would meet her after work. I was about to ask where but then she told me the parking lot.

After work I met Kara as she requested. "Hey Kara, what's up?" I asked. She looked at me with an emotion that I couldn't quite place. "I was wondering if you could maybe, help me with my dress for my date later?" She asked shyly. I couldn't say no, she was my everything. Yeah, she was going on a date with someone that wasn't me, but I had to at least support her. After those brief thoughts I replied, "Of course, Kara. Anything for you." She smiled at that, brightly, too. I patted her hair to keep my hands off of her. Can't be too touchy, it'll give me away. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and snorted. "Shall we?" She asked with her arm extended. "We shall, m'lady." I replied, lacing our arms together. "If we can keep this up, I might be happy with just being friends" I thought.
A/n Well,there's chapter two. I can't ever experience writers block, simply because I'm really creative and I have lots of thoughts swimming around in my head. But be sure to stay tuned for chapter three. I like where I'm going with this so far. Also I will try to have it kind of connected to the show but with my own fantasy twist to it.

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