Et Tu, James?

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Kara's POV
So, I guess you could imagine my surprise when the elevator opens and (Y/n) isn't at his desk. I immediately called Alex. It rang a few times before she picked up.

Kara: Where is my friend?
Alex: He's missing? And you're assuming it was me? Ouch, Kar.
Kara: Do I need to ask again?
Alex: It wasn't me.
Kara: So it wasn't a coincidence that after I told you to leave him alone, he goes missing?
Alex: What if I told you he was safe and in good hands?
Kara: Alex! Couldn't you have at least let me warn him?
Alex: No.
Kara: Ugh, fine. Just-When can I see him?
Alex: Bold of you to assume you have visiting rights...*Cackle*
Kara: Alex....
Alex: After work. You can come and see your boyfriend after work.
Kara: He's not my boyf-

My retort was cut short as she hung up on me. "Wow. Typical. Childish!" I groaned as I walked to my desk. I looked up as a shadow looked over my desk. I looked up, looking unimpressed, but when I saw who it was, my jaw dropped. "James Olsen. Hi. What....W-What brings you here?" He smiles at me before responding. His smile was so bright. "I was wondering if you'd be free sometime. I uh...Y'know Clark wanted me to keep an eye on you and...I was wondering if I could get to learn a bit more about you."

I mentally spluttered. "I-uh-yeah! Yes, of course! I'd love that." I gave him a dopey smile.
"Cool! I'll...I'll uh see you later." And with that he walked away. I mentally scolded myself. 'What was that!' I mean, he's hot but...holy Rao...'What did I just get myself into?' I was about to start with my usual morning routine, but remembered I needed to take care of Ms. Grant first.

I make my way to her office and knock. "Come in..." I open the door and saunter in without a word. She sees it's me before rattling off her order. "I want the same keto salad you got for me last time...but this time I want kola nut tea. Is that clear?" I nodded. This made her squint her eyes at me. "Why are you not talking? Did James render you speechless?" 'Ohhhh, crap! She knows!' "N-no, ma'am." She smiled, and it didn't look very warm and inviting. "Would you mind taking these printouts to him? I've been meaning to, know how pressing my job can be, Keira."

I nodded vigorously and took the printouts with me, happy to get out of her office. As I navigated my way to James' office, I thought about how Ms. Grant knew. Like, she just....knew. It was weird. "Hey....James?" I heard some stuff clatter to the ground before he responded. "Hey, Kara! What brings you here?" I held up the printouts. "Ms. Grant wanted me to get these to you pronto." I walked deeper into his office as I spoke. "Oh, well...uh I'll take them off your hands." I heard rapid footfall as the door behind us slammed. It was Winn. "Kara! Supergirl emergency, like right now!" I looked between Winn and James, who seemed to be having a staring contest. 'Men..' "Right! Well, I'll get going then. Thank you, Winn. Bye James."

Even after I walked out of the office I could still feel the tension and their testosterone battling. I made my way to the front of the building and into an alleyway. I changed into my super suit and listened out for any disturbances. I heard what sounded like a huge car crash. I sped toward it, taking to the skies. Upon arrival I saw a whole mess of destroyed cars. 'What on earth happened here...?'

I landed and looked for any survivors, first off. "! Please..." I rushed over to the debris and helped the man out of the wreckage. "Are you alright? What happened here?" He had a huge gash on his face. " was all huge and terrifying. He just showed up and started destroying stuff." Just as he finished, I heard a guttural bellow. "DAUGHTER OF ALLURA! THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT HAS COME!"

He threw some cars to the wayside as he revealed himself. The man I saved ran, which was good, because I was about to pummel this man into oblivion. "So it has. And just who might you be?" I asked him. He scowled at me. "I'm your worst nightmare." I widened my eyes. "Is that so? Show me." He let out a war cry as he charged me. I waited for an opening, and when I saw it, I struck. I laid a powerful punch to his gut. He lurched to a stop and curled in on himself before he flew backwards into more cars.

I stood with my hands on my hips. "I guess you could say I just conquered my nightmares." He growled and mumbled as he removed himself from the wreckage. "You Kryptonians are so full of yourselves. You think that you're above everything. I'll show you a thing or two." The suit he was wearing powered up, and I immediately felt weak. "That's right. Kryptonite." He laughed up something fierce. "You're all bold and bad until the Kryptonite comes out to play." I regained my footing and forced myself to breath. "Oh, yeah? So, that's what you need to win? Some stupid rock? Noted." He sneered. I don't like that.

"This rock is gonna make sure you've fully paid your price—or your mothers. I don't care which." I felt a surge of rage at that. 'What my mother's done is not tied to me!' I let my eyes light up, and I let him have it. I then followed up with a blow that sent him flying. "Oh, no you don't." I blasted off after him. He landed in a junk yard. I used my X-ray vision to look for him, but imagine how surprised I was when I saw someone chained to a chair inside a shed. 'What the....?' I was about to go see who it was when I got blindsided and flew into scrap metal. "Did you see who I brought home? He's helping me with some things. Nothing too serious." I grunted as I got to my feet. "Who's in there?"

He looked to have a debate on whether or not to answer. "Maxwell Lord. Heard of him?" I have, actually. Quite the...prick. "I have. You mind letting him go?" He scoffed as he readied himself. I did the same. "Not a chance." He charged me, but the Kryptonite made me falter in my step. As I weakened, he took the advantage and socked me. Hard. Or was that just the Kryptonite talking? He laid in, until knocking me back. He took two menacing steps forward before someone intervened.

My vision was hazy, but once I focused I saw a red cape. 'Kal?' His cape flowed effortlessly in the wind. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I passed out as they readied themselves for battle.

When I came to, I was somehow on my couch in my apartment. I jolted up, only to wince in pain. "Hmm." I grimaced. 'How did I end up here? My head...' "You fought pretty well on your own." I swiveled my head to see both James and Alex. "James..? What do you mean?" Alex gave him an expectant look. "When you left...I was worried-but not because I don't think you can handle was just a gut feeling. And...and when I saw you were fighting reactron? I knew why I had been worried. So, I called Clark."

I sat up so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. "You what? James, I can handle myself." Alex scoffed. "Clearly, you can't. Kara, if it hadn't been for Clark, you could have died, do you understand that?" I shook my head. "Unbelievable. So now you're treating me like a child?" He rose to his feet. "When Clark-" I sighed in exasperation. "Clark this. Clark that. I'm not my cousin! And I don't need him to protect me! I don't need him sniffing around trying to save me from things that I can handle on my own!"

"YOU COULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!" He shouted. "That does not excuse the fact that you did it behind my back. I mean, seriously? James..?" He shook his head. "I can't look after you if you're dead." I clinched my teeth. "And I can't trust you, if you do things behind my back." He hung his head at that. "Just go. I need to go see (Y/n)." I looked to Alex at this. "I'll change out of my suit, and then we're going." I left no room for protests. James was gone by time I came out of my room, changed. "C'mon, Alex. Let's go see my friend."

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