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Yes, the story has come to an end. I wouldn't have got this story done without you all constantly reading each chapter. I know the last few had super long updates but the year got a little hectic.

Every single person I've dedicated in this story for each chapter had been something special in my life, making me happy when I'm down, or listening when I'm sad. They have left a mark in my life I will never forget and definitely never regret.

This story is dedicated to all of them for being with me while I was low, and being there with me while I find my way through this life, while I find myself. These people had never fail me even if they thought they did, even if some of them aren't in my life anymore, it is my fault or life said otherwise but I will never forget what they have done to me.

Thank you, for everything and for being part of my happiness.


Thank you to all my readers! I love yall dearly for always supporting me! ❤

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