Chapter 2

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One step ahead of me, Fred's feet walked faster than I would ever walk. He was pulling me to his car. I wasn't even dressed properly. My hair was in one braid to my left and I was wearing my plain black T-shirt and a tracksuit.

After we got in his car, I looked at him in disbelief. He did not just drag me out, did he? He started the engine and drove away to some row of shops. When he found a good parking spot, he pulled out his keys and looked at me.

We were silent throughout the whole ride and here he was smiling at me as if he was the happiest man alive.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him, grumbling.

"Do you even hear yourself? You're so isolated! You neeeeeeeeeeed to get the heeelll out," he grinned.

Sometimes his cheerful self annoyed me to death. How could someone be so happy when he knew that happiness could be gone anytime and you'd miss it and you'd be miserable for missing it. Because you just know how good it feels.

I rolled my eyes but he ignored it. He smirked and opened the door for me.

"My lady," and took one hand of his to pull me out of the car. Gosh, what was up with him? I took his hand and got out actually managing a smile. He was being so ridiculous.

"We are having cheese burgers for brunch if you don't mind that, my lady," and he walked with me to McDonalds.

I snorted, "I sound old when you call me that."

He shushed me, "This is such a great moment," and said no word.

He made me sit as he went to order our food. I stared at him. He was still smiling and I was just holding my laugh. He couldn't do this to me. He thinks he can, but he can't make me happy.

I looked around. Everyone was happy, they had sincere smiles on their faces, and they had people around them. They aren't afraid of falling in love, or making new friends. How could they not?

Didn't they know how painful it was to have your happiness taken away from you? It was better of being miserable your whole life than had to feel good but knowing it wasn't going to last... right?

Fred came to me with two cheeseburgers and a large packet of fries. He got me a bottle of ice lemon tea, knowing I didn't take soft drinks as he sat beside me with his diet coke. I hadn't been eating right these days. I've just been making simple homemade sandwiches for my meals.

Fred might have noticed how much weight I'd lost.

"Are you trying to make me fat?" I tried to joke.

He chuckled and smiled at me again, "What do you think?"

If you didn't know Fred enough, you'd think he was joking when he said that. You would think he was just trying to keep you in questions. But I knew him, and he wasn't joking.

"Well, maybe not fat," he added, and took a bite of his burger.

I stared at the burger in my hand and noticed how huge it was. I hadn't been eating this much in probably three months since I had decided to be alone.

"What are you waiting for?" he finished chewing and looked at me staring at my burger.

I shrugged, "I don't know. It's been so long since I had a real meal."

"Maybe it's time you did," and that was when I had another glance of his eyes. Those kind of eyes, the feeling of not wanting to let it go. I didn't know why Fred could make me feel that way. He glanced away and I felt guilty for showing him some hope.

Hope that I could be alright again.

I finally took a bite of my burger and my appetite immediately came and I finished it in five minutes. Fred's jaw drop looking at my appetite. He laughed, maybe a little too loud for me to notice how silly I must have looked.

"That's the spirit," he teased.

"Shut up, Fred," I giggled a little, while I wiped my lips that had leftover melted cheese with the tissue.

We ate the fries together but I was too full after the fifth fries.

I hadn't been out with anyone since three months ago. Fred always just stayed at home with me and he would leave again. No one saw me out of school, hanging out or partying like normal teenagers would for three months.

I had.

But it all had to stop.

Fred was the only one stubborn not to listen to my needs. I still couldn't understand why. Freddie was just an old pre school friend who I was pretty sure I wouldn't keep in touch with, but we did.

We became so fond of each other. And that scared me even more. It defeated the purpose of me avoiding people if the friend I cared about the most is still lingering around me like I was no threat.

When Fred finished the fries, we walked back to his car and I was hoping we could just go back,  he would leave and I would be alone again.

"We're going home, right?" I asked.

But of course not.

"What are you talking about?! We're not going home. We're going to the movies. I have two tickets to see The Great Gatsby. I heard it was a good movie," he said, with his charismatic self.

I lifted an eyebrow and wondered, "What made you think I would want follow you out?"

He laughed, "I didn't," he paused and glanced at me, "Why did you think I had to drag you out?"


A/N: Sooo how is it looking? Give me feedbacks and don't forget to vote and share if you liked it!  :* Thank you, lovies! x

Dins x

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