Chapter 12

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A/N: Dedicated to Elena Hew, or should I call you my Scorpio buddy. This is for you because you keep me strong. And you remind me of my priorities. You hear my cries at night, you listen to my problems, you cheer me up by saying the most random things like that you need to pee. You tell me advices that made sense and you believed in me. You never forget me, you understand me, and you try to help me. You may be a year older, but you can be one of the best friends I'd ever ask for. We barely talk, but when we do, it's as if we never stopped. Thank you for everything, it's unnecessary to list all of them out because you and I both know for what. Love you, Scorpio bud. ❤




We took the cab to John's place. Myra placed her hands on mine tightly. I knew that she was nervous and I made her strong enough to handle this shock. I didn't really mean to give her a heart attack but I thought she really needed to meet him. They were siblings and it wasn't right to just separate, it was about time they reunited. I contacted John before I planned for this trip, to stay at his place, and while that, Myra and John will reunite. He agreed to me because he wanted to see Myra again. He hadn't seen her for so many years.

"I miss her, man. I'm sure she's a beautiful young lady already. I've never even seen you before," he said, when I called him on the phone.

I kept quiet throughout the taxi ride because I was focusing on Myra. She looked like a panicked puppy who was lost and finding for her home. In my heart, I knew she was scared the past would repeat, being annoying to her brother again. But come on, she was sixteen years old now, things change within time. We just don't see it because it passes way too fast. Her hands were still on mine, while we stay silent in the taxi. She looked out the window, her hands shivering with anxiousness. I tighten my grip to indirectly tell her to keep steady. The feeling of her soft skin could melt my heart to a solemn soul yearning for more of her. Her closeness gave me goose bumps and the anticipation to give her all I've got to get her. She maybe wouldn't notice but I was in love with her. So deeply my heart could sink, like a black hole, not able to have an ending. She made me feel whole, with herself just enough to fill my empty space in my heart. Everything about her was beautiful and I didn't understand why she calls herself a freak. She is probably weird, but her perks made me want her more. The flaws she thinks she makes, made her awfully perfect.

Her gaze was away from mine but as she turned, her hair change of flow, and finally looked into my eyes. People say the eyes are the key to your soul. I find that very true. I looked into her green emerald, beautiful eyes and saw the pit of emotions she hides every time they met mine. Hidden in her eyes is a wall that's cold and ugly, and she's scared as hell. Trembling at the thought of feeling. Wide awake and keeping distance from everyone she cared about, with nothing to penetrate her, because deep down she's scared as hell. She never told me, but I knew; by her eyes, and by knowing her for more than eleven years. I pretty much understand every decision or action she makes. I ask, because I need to know if I'm worth someone to trust with a secret like that and I don't think I wasn't. She just always end up tearing up before she could begin explaining to me.

John was sitting at the passenger seat in front and keeping as silent as possible. Are the Williams really aren't good in talking or was it just me? I shouldn't insult them-they are Myra's family members anyway, and I loved Myra from the way she is. Only, she was never quiet. I remember all our times when we were younger, or even before she became this, she would tell me all her stories or talk about her activities, or the things she loses judging by her clumsy self. I knew everything from the tip of her hair to the end of her toes, if there was anything wrong with her, I could spot it just like that. And then there's me, the one who starts all the conversations.

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