Chapter 14

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A/N: Chapter 14 is dedicated to Aiza Jasmin, a senior of mine I truly adore. This is dedicated to you because you gave me motivations to continue music. You believed in me in whatever way and I thank you for being the goofiest person I have ever met and that had influenced me to be one too, haha. You always made me laugh and thank you for the wonderful memories. I love ya, and I'll miss you once your college starts. Love always.



The morning was great as I woke up to Fred’s breath on me again but this time, I wasn’t confused. I remembered everything that happened last night and I didn’t plan to forget it. I could still remember the way he knelt down to me in front of everyone. I was blushing so bad but he didn’t care about the rest. All he was focusing was just this question which I had been secretly wishing to happen.

“Myra Williams, will you be my girlfriend?”

And by the lake were people holding up the letters of his question. I gasped of shock and joy and everyone cheered. I was too surprised to answer until he whispered, “Well….?”

I giggled and shed a tear, “Yes.”

It may seem that I was emotionless, but inside I was jumping and screaming and it was as if my intestines were going to explode. He stood up and hugged me while I continued to cry. The way he hugged me was ecstasy. It was more than any other hug he had given me. It felt almost unreal. It felt like it was a dream and that I was going to wake up any second after that, realising that I had yet succeeded to keep my hopes high. But this time, it wasn’t a dream and they are actually coming true. I got kissed under the moonlight, I went to Disneyland and now I was with my best friend.

28th June 2010, my sweet sixteen, the day three of my dreams come true, and my newly made anniversary date.

I went down to breakfast early because Fred was still fast asleep from last night. We came back late but I was too excited to keep it in by sleeping. Somehow, everything inside me was moving like an accelerated train trying to hit every corner of my nerve to tell me that I was not how I usually am and that I was overly thrilled.

By the time I was downstairs, John was preparing breakfast while Sally was in the living room folding the clothes. I went in the kitchen towards John and see what I could help him with.

“Good morning, Myra,” he greeted when he saw me.

“Morning, do you need any help?” I smiled, trying to contain myself.

“You seem awfully cheerful today,” he winked, “Sure, make some lemonade, won’t you?”

I nodded and squeezed some lemon into the jar. I hum while I do so, and I realised that john stopped whatever that he was doing.

My shoulders stiffened. Why is he looking at me?

I turned to him and asked, “What?”

He chuckled, he looked into my eyes and mumbled, “It’s been so long since I’ve heard you sing.”

I smiled, sadly, “Yes, it has.”

He turned away and continued to do some pancakes. I continued humming until he spoke again.

“I need a favour from you, Myra.”

My chest tightened and my face couldn’t seem to have an expression. I didn’t look at his direction but I tried to sound as casual as I could, “What is it?”

“Follow me out today. I want to bring you somewhere. Maybe we could spend some quality time together before you go back tomorrow, ya know?” he sounded nervous, his voice slightly shaky and his hands were trembling.

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