Chapter 3

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The Great Gatsby was amazing! Leonardo DiCaprio was brilliant, as always. Fred wrapped his arm around mine. It was a normal friendly gesture between him and I since we were kids. He patted my head and smiled happily to himself.

I knew that smile on his face. It showed he was satisfied with himself because I enjoyed myself. I was practically crying throughout the cinema with me being emotional during movies. Fred was just laughing at me whenever I started sniffing and sobbing.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I hit him, in the midst of the movie.

"I watched it before," he winked at me.

I got so frustrated I hit him harder, "WHAT!" I said it as softly as I could. He just continued laughing and turned to wipe my tears of with his tissue. I rolled my eyes and enjoyed the rest of the movie.

"Now we're going home," he said, when he reached his car. He opened the door for me and I got in, my eyes still red and puffy from crying.

He ran to the driver's seat and started the engine. We drove in silence because I didn't want to end up saying something wrong. Fred, being his cheerful self, turn on the radio and started singing. He didn't have a singing voice, but he definitely loved acting. Since we were young, he would be the first to raise his hand up if teacher needed a volunteer in a drama act.

"Sing with me, Myra!" he shouted, because the music was too loud.

I shook my head and shouted for him to focus on the road but I suppose he couldn't hear me. Because he continued to sing even louder. I shook my head again at his ridiculous behavior and stared out the window, winning a smile on my boney face. I was so skinny, I could see the structures of my cheekbones.

He knew I loved singing. He was the one who bought that pink guitar for my 13th birthday. It was probably the best gift I had in years. He knew how passionate I was in music. I participated in competitions, although I was always just top ten, he still knew how I loved singing.

Well, that was before three months ago.

He realised my annoyance and stopped singing. He turned the radio off and kept a straight face on the road.

"Alright, we'll be serious," he said, standing his laughter.

I snorted and kept my eyes out of the window. After a while, I saw my house coming to a near. I got out of the car, and Fred did too. What was he going to do?

"Hello? You're suppose to go back?" I waved my hands in front of him when he followed me up the front steps.

"Your dad told me to stay for dinner," he smirked at me.

Again, unbelievable.

Don't get me wrong. I actually loved Fred's company but I couldn't do it. I couldn't be with him too long until I make some mistake and he'd be gone too, and his reason for him leaving would be me. I couldn't face it. Freddie avoiding me is better than him being gone from my life forever.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. I could hear my dad cooking in the kitchen.

"Dad, uh, I'm home!" I shouted. I heard him rush out of the kitchen to see me standing beside Fred.

"Hello, darling. I hope you don't mind me inviting Freddie for dinner," he came and hugged me.

I sighed, "What can I do if I did, dad?" trying to sound like I was joking.

He forced a laugh, "Well, Freddie, I hope you like lasagnas," and gave him a hug too.

Fred followed me up to my room and I let him use the bathroom to shower first. We were used to this.

While I waited, I played my guitar and sang a song I wrote called "Different". I was different, from everyone. Everyone was different. It only matters who accepted your difference with theirs.

But the thing was, people couldn't accept mine.

I stopped singing when the bathroom door open revealing Fred with just his shorts on and his hair wet. He had flawless tan skin and the kind of wavy hair that looks good no matter how messy it was. Fred played for the school's football team so you could say he had a fit body too.

All the girls in his school wanted to be his girlfriend. He rejected them all, probably thinking he could win any girl.

Oh boys and their ego.

I didn't realise I was staring until Fred spoke, "Flower, it's your turn."

I snapped out of it and put my guitar back, leaning it against my table. I grabbed my towel, then walked to the bathroom. I sang in the shower so I wasn't surprised when I heard Fred laughing from the bedroom.


During dinner, all I heard was fork and knives clasping against the plates. My dad was never a talker. He let his emotions out through his writing. That was what he does anyway. He would stay in his office for the whole day. And during weekends, he'd stay in his home office.

"Soo, Mr. Williams, I brought Myra to watch a movie today," and there is Fred, always excited for a new conversation.

My dad nodded his head and swallowed his food before speaking, typical manners, "That's great. What did you two watch?"

"The Great Gatsby," I answered before Fred could. I missed the talks my dad used to have with me.

"Myra was crying after the first hour of the movie, and she never stopped," Fred teased and started chuckling.

My dad laughed. It had been long since I heard him laugh. Since mum died, all my dad would talk about was his works and for me to study for my exams.

As I said, we never joked around anymore.

Fred was doing the talking for our whole hour of dinner. The emptiness of our house didn't feel too empty anymore when he was making our conversations flow. I didn't know how he was so good at it.

It was normally awkward silences between my dad and I because I would give him short answers, avoiding any real talks.

Then I realised how much I missed him.

Did he miss me too? Or did his work succeeded to distract him with all this sadness around me? I didn't plan to find out.

After dinner, Fred thanked my dad for dinner and went in his car to go back home. My dad gave him a comfortable handshake and he left.

My dad told me to finish my homework if I had any and he went back up to his office in his room, isolating himself from me. Or was it vice versa?

I got in my room and sat in front of my table. My phone beeped and I wondered who would text me.

See you tomorrow, flower.

It was Fred.

See me again? I sighed. What was his plan with me?


A/N: The link to my song Different is at the side! Hope it's good ;) Ahah, hope this chapter is good. Thank you for reading.


Dins x

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