Chapter 21

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Y/n POV:

Whilst walking around, I spotted the silent silhouette of the puppet go past me. I felt an internal anger begin to boil up. However, curiosity got the best of me so I followed with as much silence as I could manage. I followed as he turned a corner, indicating he was about to glance around. When I looked back, he'd turned, so I rushed. I stayed back a moment as I heard a door open. I peered back over and he's vanished. Considering there to be a single door, there wasn't a mystery. I entered the door that was thankfully ajar already, noticing two dim lights on opposite sides of the ceiling. No windows, only several boxes. I entered further when I heard a shuffle and hid behind several boxes. I realised my mistake when Marionette moved to lock the door, trapping me in with them. I felt terrified.

'You're making me look suspicious,' he said out loud.

Then, from another bunch of boxes, emerged Springtrap with a saunter and devious chuckle, 'You promised I could kill them.'

'You're not meant to hurt the new ones.'

'Who's gonna stop me?' I see Springtrap's shadow place out his arms in exaggeration. I can't seem them from my angle anymore as I hide back, but I can hear him smiling.


'It was our deal.'

'How about, instead, I just kill everyone?' Springtrap laughed like a psycho. It sent chills down me.

'Who will give you life?'

'I'm sure I'll find a way to live. I don't need you.'

'I'm realising how much of a deranged moron you are.'

'You won't do anything.'

'Lets stick to the deal. You can kill and harm and torture the originals, do whatever the hell you want to do to them. But leave the toys alone, their my new puppets.'


'They belong to me, now stick to the plan if not I will get rid of your soul from that suit.'


A sound scraped at the door, Marionette called out for who it was but nobody answered. Springtrap's shadow disappeared and so Marionette unlocked the door and left the room. I moved quick, bolting out the door in silence to not alert the murderer in the room. The puppet had vanished, I wasn't sure where he'd gone, but I stayed quiet and low whilst glancing around.

'Are you good?' Bonbon's voice questioned behind me. 

'Did you see the Marionette?' I asked, urging him to move away from the door.

He looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 'Were you hiding from him?'

'I heard him talking to Springtrap,' I explained, 'the puppet told Springtrap to not hurt you toys and instead to kill us originals. He said he was using you toys as ... puppets. But he said he'll kill anyone he wants.'

Bonbon kept the same expression all way through, 'You're being serious?'

'Why would I lie in this situation?'

'I don't know.' He looked to the side, before staring right into my eyes.

'Did you cause a sound in here?'

'No, but I saw Freddy walking into the back room.' He informed me.

'He might know too.' I stated, looking to the back room door.

I suddenly felt a little awkward around him. We hadn't even seen each other since the kiss. His hand placed gently on my cheek to keep me looking at him. His head tilted to the side, his blue hair fell with it, 'You look pale.'

'Well, I am dead, so it makes sense,' I tried to joke, grabbing his foreman to bring his hand away from my cheek, 'I should go.'

He tried to linger his hand, but dropped it. He then whispered, 'Bye.'

He watched as I walked away.

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