Chapter 10

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Y/n POV:

I truly couldn't believe my eyes. A long time had passed by since being able to see Golden Freddy himself. So much time in fact, he felt like a hallucination rather than a real entity. In a fraction, the world fell silent and even Freddy mentioned nothing after welcoming the guy. Despite the shift in atmosphere becoming that of a shock, the anger radiating from the puppet still travelled from his position in the room like a creeping virus.

"What is he doing here?" Marionette spat out again, frozen in his place. 

At last, my eyes ripped away from Golden Freddy to glare at the puppet, "We could ask you the same question."

"I'm here to discuss about you talking to the toy animatronics. To not tell them anything," he said with aggression, lowering his voice to almost a whisper.

"Anything?" Bonnie questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! Nothing about the past, it's in the past for a reason," the puppet snarled, twitching to step forward but deciding against it in the end, "so leave it be."

"They have a right to know," I hissed at him.

"Besides, I think they'll have already worked it out by now," Chica added in.

"Dare say a word ... and you'll suffer infinite pain for the rest of your eternal life!"

"As if I don't already thanks to you!" Chica stood up abruptly, "and who's fault is it I have an eternal life anyways?"

"Don't speak another word to me. I'll make you regret it!"

"No you won't." A calm voice sounded from the opposite end of the room. Suddenly, all attention was brought back to Golden Freddy. His calm behaviour yet deep and echoing voice certainly clashed in making a definite atmosphere. All fell into silence once again, Golden Freddy simply held too high a position to be interrupted by us, "and you know you won't because you know the toys need to know."

His intelligence merely added to the intimidation he carried in his aura. Things were always questioned when he was around - things like how he knew information and how he read people perfectly. No answers then and no answers now. Golden Freddy happened to be perhaps the only person in existence to be able to rationalise with the puppet. 

"Don't try your mind tricks with me," Marionette warned, "I've learnt your psychological little games and know your tricks. Now you should take this as a warning and leave while you still can. Things are getting ugly around here."

"I'm not playing any mind tricks. I'm just telling you that you won't."

"You don't know that! You don't know me!" The puppet steps forward, "you think you're so superior simply because there's two of you in that old, pathetically tattered suit but you're just arrogant. You're frustrating to deal with and should leave this place because you don't belong and never will!"

"I don't belong in a place I was murdered? Twice?" Golden Freddy rhetorically asks with a strong voice, "don't forget who brought me back to life."

"Then that's my mistake."

"A lot of this is your mistake. None of us wanted to be here."

"Stop it already! Just leave, I told you once already. You have no business being here and bring despair wherever you travel. Make yourself scarce and don't bother talking to anyone here. I even pity this lot for having to deal with you."

Being the puppet, after his finger wagging he stormed out the room in rage, always having been one who couldn't handle confrontation well. He behaved like a teenager who viewed themself as above others simply because he yelled and threatened people.

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